[4] Commercial Terms: (a) Above mentioned price excludes price of importing (Freight and Clearance) the test item and the shipment
costs of the samples, if required. (b) JRFI reserves the right neither to initiate / continue the study nor release the study reports until
and unless the payments as per payment schedule are received. (c) Any delay in the payment beyond 7 working days from the date of
dispatch of e-Invoice, shall attract 2% of interest per month on Invoice value. (d) JRFI shall reserve the right to revise the prices any
time before the execution of the Quotation, in case of steep changes in currency arbitrage or fluctuations. (e) Reference Standards, if
procured by JRFI, will be charged separately. Certification charges, if any will be applicable. (f) The given prices include archiving for
period of ten years from date of completion of study. This can be extended upon Sponsor`s request at extra charges. Return of
archives will be shipped on to pay basis. (g) In event of any addition in the scope of work of the study, prices shall be revised. (h) If any
study has to be repeated at JRFI, due to the factors not attributable to JRFI, charges shall be communicated considering the scope and
complexity of work. Similarly, new time slots shall be offered as per the availability.