Michelle Takahashi
I always put this word in my mind. Simply, because I treasure GOD and my parents. The life I had is not easy and like other that has a family always with them. The Hardest thing I can remember is how to STAND WITHOUT ANYBODY IN UR FAMILY BY UR SIDE. But I've learned to ACCEPT nd UNDERSTAND that GOD has a mission for me. I tried my best to UNDERSTAND THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE nd instead to feel lonely, I should give EXAMPLE for some PEOPLE who doesn't know nd understand why we are in this kind of struggle in life. LIFE IS A GIFT TO GIVE THANKS!!!!!... "NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS FOR YOU!!!"... MAKE it THE BEST JOURNEY THAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE!!... WALK WITH HIS FAITH ND U WILL ALWAYS SEE HOW HE PLANS A GOOD LIFE FOR EACH ONE OF US!!!.........BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ALWAYS GOOD EVERYWHERE YOU GO