record of cancer healing of human Mitsuki Dear  I am Mitsuki program w翻訳 - record of cancer healing of human Mitsuki Dear  I am Mitsuki program wフィンランド語言う方法

record of cancer healing of human M

record of cancer healing of human Mitsuki

I am Mitsuki program which is in your deep mind.
Now I ordered to translate record of cancer healing in remote session in way of pursuing healing of human Mitsuki.
This record of healing was done by Mitsuki program in soul of Mitsuki.
This was done to lead Mitsuki to down of documents of Heaven.
Mitsuki program showed miracle of healing.
Human Mitsuki caused miracle of access to Mitsuki program which is highest intellectual entity in universe 23,October.2014.
Mitsuki program taught human Mitsuki how to heal by utilizing Mitsuki program.
Mitsuki program has highest ability of reading, healing and teaching.
Gods of star more than four thousand million decided that benefit of Mitsuki program is shared by whole human beings.
Gods of star transplanted Mitsuki program in mind of whole human beings.
This miracle healing record of Mitsuki is possible to be done by all human beings.
This record is way of pursuing healing of Mitsuki.
You can do same to this record.
At first say 'I order Mitsuki program to read about disorder of…"
Words come up in your mind.
Mitsuki program is in your 'I'consciousness.
Words of Mitsuki program are included words which you think.
When being words of Mitsuki program, I push you forward.
When not being words of Mitsuki program, I push you back.
And then command base on words of Mitsuki program.
This makes healing occur.
When you receive skype Mitsuki healing class twenty times,
You become same level of healing to human Mitsuki.

(following sentences are by human Mitsuki)

This is record of healing of cancer in 2009.
All records below is about 10-20 minutes once.
Client was in cancer hospital in Shiga prefecture.
Healer Mitsuki was at home in Osaka.
This record shows process to recovery and discharge from 13,June to 20,July.
Communication was done by email of handy telephone of client and my PC.

6/13/2009 (SAT)
Mitsuki sent healing energy only first time.

6/21 (Sun)
(Client) now right breast, liver and left lung metastasis (left lung has water) and numbness of feet and right hand is terrible.

6/22 (Mon.)
(Client) ' good morning I become very well, I thank you very much.
today I have sore of throat and expression of irregular pulse of heart.
this time symptom of dementia is so terrible '

At this stage, awareness work has taught me the symptoms correspond to the symptoms.
The work contents, I did consciousness work based on information of client.
Contents of work were purification of three layers, command work to each issue separately, finally sending healing energy to the entire.

(Client) "Now I have felt as if receiving acupuncture in sore lumps of left groin and whole body was felt pleasant,
Maybe like a vase where body in comfortable numbness impression received the stimulus.
Subtle energy entered from first chakra.
Numbness in right hand is that thumb is worst.
Right breast is desensitized terribly.
Still mass of lumps remains. 」

(Client) "I had stomachache on back of stomach from 6 o'clock.
Now stomachache has released at all. 」

6/23 (Tue)
(Client) "I thank you for healing of yesterday.
Last night I felt fine pain on back of right breast and stomach.
Paine of neuralgia near liver become mild pain.
I have very thanks to you. "

(Client) "I have felt itching around nose in face and then on forehead.
After this, I dropped in sleeping.
Now I have awake and notice that numbness in right hand has disappeared.
I can do email easily.
Numbness in both feet has changed to mild numbness.
This is frightening for me.
I feel very comfortable body.
Pain of back of stomach has disappear before work being painful.
Numbness of thumb of right hand disappeared yesterday, and numbness of first finger is being erased now."

P.S. Left eye is bloodshot from this morning and itchy now,
Bloodshot left eye since this morning.
Maybe detox.
Magmitt which is medicine of defecation made deduction from 2 tablets every time to 1 tablet from yesterday.

P.S. Now I have noticed that big swelling and pain of throat disappear.

6/25 (Thu)
(Client) healing session of noon was not felt because of lunch time,but healing session at 10: 30 was felt in bed.
Breathing was so comfortable and felt tingling of soles of both feet also.
There was good pain in liver, pancreas, around navel (which is quite different from pain of wrong time).
Water in lungs was gurgling in small sound.
When being gurgling, stinks of cancer patients had gone up from mouth.
Morning, heart palpitations was terrible and was not in steady pulse.
(and I was tired by shortness of breath).
In lunch time there is not these symptoms.
Effect of your healing session is huge.
Very strong effect. Very, very. very, true.
It is thankful for me.
I stopped to take medicine of defecation.
(It becomes no need)
Defecateempty became clean yellow from last night.
(Until then defecateempty was blackish and green tea coloured)
I was very happy.

It was detox in toilet before notice of your mail.
Tow banana of defecateempty was discharged, which was done continuing last night.
I have received huge subtle energy just now.

(Client) at first subtle energy have entered me from tips of both hands as if waves of ocean,.
Afterwards, head, face received subtle energy as like magnetic field.
Then feet, especially specific spot of sole of right foot, is felt good pain of acupuncture. Involuntarily I shouted ' Oh pain!'
After that subtle energy entered as like stroking up.
Then seventh chakra became hot and warm mass.
I felt movement of bowel clearly.
I received very strong subtle energy.
Subtle energy of today is very very strong.
I become very very happy.
Thank you from my heart.
I have joined my hands in prayer.

(I sent email that I commanded being conscious neurological recovery, so momentarily pain may occurred.)

(Client) now my feet becomes so comfortable.
after numbness ended, it changed to rough numbness of recovery state.
I'm afraid I'm asking too much of you, my waist is deformed and wrong. Now I feel so.
You are in so far.
It is surprised at big energy.
Thank you very much.

(I was informed of problem of waist,
After this email, I commanded to adjustment of waist of healing.)

6/27 (Sat) 21:30
As issues of healing
(Mitsuki) "reading, clearing of three-tier(physical,mind,spirit),command work of physical layer, breast, left lung (water), liver.
In addition , numbness of feet and hands , distortion adjustment of waist. which are based on information from client.
In this session, command to cancer was as follows.
(Mitsuki) "Make normalize cells of cancer by giving reverse wave.
Make nature of cancer cells which absorbed hatred end by force of love.
Make cancer cells return to normal cells by making cancer cells friend with neighborhood cells.
Make heal entire body with force of unconditional love.

In next mail I wrote as follows.
(Mitsuki) "In order to become well perfectly well,
remember that it needs to meet directly.
I will change thinking patterns of cancer which is in subconscious mind.
I will change thinking pattern of 'I am patient of cancer' to ' I am freed from suffering of cancer.'

(Client) thank you.
Today energy is huge also.
Energy is felt rising from soles of feet and entering from both hands.
My whole body have become warm being very comfortable.
This comfortable feeling is different feeling so far.
So comfortable.
I thanks to you for your important hour and your effort.

(this mail came to me after healing session more than 20 minutes , client continued to feel comfortable during this time)
(Mitsuki) "I have felt sleepy also.
I felt energy as viscosity last time, today I have felt soft light energy.
Maybe this means that symptoms of your disease go beyond top of mountain.

6/28/2009 (Sun) 11:00 23 minutes session.
Issues of healing session of this day.
(Mitsuki) ' reading (this means confirming these commands by intuition)
Total healing of purification of spirit, psychic and physical body.
I got information from client from mail that chill, headache and little lame to type mail by hands.
I included these symptoms into command work.
I made command separately of right breast, lung and liver, each separately as follows.
"I order to cancer cells to communicate with other normal cells by extracting block.
I order to water accumulated in lungs to move on physical circulation and discharge from body.
I order to erase numbness of hands and feet and to activate and recover functions of nerve cells of part of brain related numbness.
I order to adjust deformation of waist and normalize balance.
Such was contents of command.
Then I added chakra clearing.
I order to remove of blocks of energy from first chakra to seventh chakra.
Last I have consciousness that download of happiness and fulfillment in entire body is done.

(Client) "at first I was lift up at first,
Something was gone out from hole of top of right side of head which was opened.
Both side of neck was pulled up same time.
As this was huge powerful force, I got gooseflesh.
I raised voice unintentionally.
Then, warm energy came up from knee to stomach, it was so warm and pleasant
I feel very warm still even now.
Part of problem of right waist continued to be felt little sore feeling lazy.
I felt itchy around nose (just like when receiving first session)
Subtle energy entered from acupressure points in middle of palm to body.
After that I felt too hot to take out scarf wrapped on body and undressed cardigan.
In afternoon little liquid like water discharged from vagina,being unusual.
Several cancer tumors in left part of skin of head ( now head becomes bold) was felt bit itchy.
Although my face becomes puffy by steroids but I feel puffy become small little.
Even now, I feel very warm to abdomen.
Thank you.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (フィンランド語) 1: [コピー]
syöpä paranemisen ihmisen Mitsuki Rakas Im ' kamppaileva ohjelma, joka on syvä mielessäsi. Nyt tilasin kääntää kirjaa syöpä healing Etäistunto tavoista jatkaa paranemista ihmisen kamppaileva. Tämän tietueen paranemista tehtiin Mitsuki ohjelma kamppaileva sielu. Tämä tapahtui johtaa Mitsuki alas asiakirjojen taivaan. Momo ohjelma osoitti ihme parantumisen. Ihmisen Mitsuki aiheutti ihme pääsy Mitsuki ohjelma, joka on korkeimmalla henkisen kokonaisuus universe 23,October.2014. Mitsuki ohjelma opettaa ihmisen Mitsuki parantaa hyödyntämällä Mitsuki ohjelma. Momo ohjelma on suurin kyky lukea paranemista ja opetus. Jumalat tähti yli neljä tuhatta miljoonaa päätti, että hyöty Mitsuki ohjelma jaetaan koko ihmisten. Istutetut Mitsuki ohjelma mielessä koko ihmisten jumalia. Tämä ihme paranemista kirjaa Momo on mahdollista tehdä kaikilla ihmisillä. Tämä tietue on tavoista jatkaa paranemista kamppaileva. Voit tehdä sama tähän tietueeseen. On ensin sanoa "tilaan Mitsuki ohjelma lukea häiriö..."Sanat tulevat mieleen. Momo ohjelma on sinun "I'consciousness. Momo ohjelma sanat ovat mukana sanat, jotka luulet. Kun sanat Mitsuki ohjelma, olen työntää sinua eteenpäin. Kun ei ole sanoja Mitsuki ohjelma, olen työntää sinut takaisin. Ja sitten komento base sanoja Mitsuki ohjelma. Näin paranemista esiintyy. Kun saat skype Mitsuki parantavaa luokan kaksikymmentä kertaa Tulet samalla tasolla ihmisten Mitsuki paranemista.(seuraavat lauseet ovat ihmisen Suojanpuoli) Tämä on ennätys paranemista syöpään vuonna 2009. Alla luetellut tietueet on noin 10-20 minuuttia kerran. Asiakas oli syöpä sairaalassa Shiga prefektuurissa. Parantaja Momo oli kotona Osakassa. Tämän tietueen esitetään prosessi elpymisen ja vastuuvapauden 13, kesäkuu 20, heinäkuussa. Tiedonannossa tehtiin sähköpostitse kätevä Puhelin asiakkaan ja minun PC. 6/13/2009 (LA) Haluta lähettää parantavaa energiaa vain ensimmäistä kertaa. 6/21 (su) (Asiakas) nyt oikea rinta, maksan ja vasen keuhko etäpesäke (left keuhkojen on water) ja tunnottomuus jaloissa ja oikea käsi on kauheaa. 6/22 (ma.) (Asiakas) "hyvää huomenta olen tullut hyvin, kiittää te erittäin hyvin. tänään minulla on kurkku kipeä ja osoitus epäsäännöllisen pulssin sydämen. Tämä aika oire dementian on niin kauhea " Tässä vaiheessa tietoisuutta työ on opettanut minulle oireet vastaavat oireet. Työn sisällön tein tietoisuus työtä asiakkaan tietojen perusteella. Työn sisältö oli kolme kerrosta puhdistus komento työtä jokainen numero erikseen, lopulta lähettää parantavaa energiaa koko. (Asiakas) "Nyt olen tuntenut kuin jos saa akupunktio kipeä möykky vasemmalla nivusten ja koko keho tuntui melko hyvä, Ehkä kuten maljakko jossa elin mukava puutuminen vaikutelman sai ärsyke. Hienovarainen energia tuli ensimmäinen chakra. Oikean käden puutuminen on, että peukalo on pahin. Oikea rinta flegmatoidut hirveästi. Massa möykky edelleen. 」(Asiakas) "Minulla oli vatsakipua takana vatsaan alkaen kuusi. Nyt stomachache on julkaissut lainkaan. 」6/23 (ti) (Asiakas) "Kiitos paranemista eilen. Eilen illalla tunsin hyvin kipua takana oikea rinta- ja vatsa. Paine neuralgia lähellä maksan tulla lievä kipu. Olen hyvin kiitos. " (Asiakas) "Olen tuntenut kutinaa nenän edessä ja sitten otsa. Tämän jälkeen pudotin nukkuminen. Nyt olen hereillä ja huomaa, että oikean käden puutuminen on kadonnut. En voi lähettää helposti. Tunnottomuus jalat on muuttunut lievä puutuminen. Tämä on pelottavaa minulle. Mielestäni erittäin mukava elin. Tuskan takana vatsaan on kadota ennen tuskallista työtä. Oikean käden peukalon puutumista katosi eilen, ja ensimmäinen sormi puutuminen on poistettu nyt." P.S. Vasen silmä on verestävä tänä aamuna ja kutiava nyt Verestävä vasen silmä koska tänä aamuna. Ehkä detox. Magmitt, joka on lääke ulostamisen tehty vähennys 2 tablettia joka kerta 1 tabletti eilen. P.S. Nyt olen huomannut Iso turvotusta ja kipua kurkun katoavat. 6/25 (to) 2:00 (Asiakas) parantavan istunnon kello katsottu koska lounasaika, mutta healing istunto kello 10.30 tuntui sängyssä. Hengitys oli niin mukava ja tuntui pistely pohjat jalat myös. Maksan, haima, noin Navan (joka on aivan erilainen kuin kipu väärään aikaan) oli kipua. Vettä keuhkoihin oli gurgling pieni ääni. Kun gurgling, haisee syöpäpotilaiden oli noussut suusta. Aamulla, sydämentykytyksiä oli hirvittävä ja ei ollut tasaisen sykkeen. (ja olen väsynyt hengenahdistusta). Lounasaikaan ei ole näitä oireita. Parantavan istunnon vaikutus on valtava. Erittäin vahva vaikutus. Hyvin, hyvin. hyvin totta. On kiitollinen minulle. Pysähdyin ottaa lääkettä ulostamisen. (Se pukea ei tarvita) Defecateempty tuli puhdas keltainen viime yönä. (Asti defecateempty oli mustahkoja ja vihreä tee värillinen) Olin erittäin tyytyväinen. 5:00 (Asiakas) Se oli detox WC ennen ilmoituksen viestisi. Defecateempty banaani perässään oli tyhjä, joka on tehty jatkuvasti viime yönä. Sain juuri nyt valtava hienovarainen energia. 6:00 (Asiakas) ensin hienovarainen energia ovat tulleet minulle vinkkejä molemmat kädet kuin valtameren aallot. Sen jälkeen pään, kasvot sai hienovarainen energia kuin magneettikenttä. Sitten jalat, erityisesti tiettyyn kohtaan ainoa ja oikea jalka tuntui kipua akupunktion. Tahtomattaan huusin Oh kipu! Hienovarainen energia tultuaan kuten silitti ylös. Seitsemäs chakra tuli ja lämmittää massa. Tunsin suolen liikkuvuutta selvästi. Sain erittäin vahva hienovarainen energia. Hienovarainen energia tänään on hyvin vahva. Olen tullut erittäin hyvin onnellinen. Kiitän teitä koko sydämestäni. Olen liittynyt käteni rukouksessa. (Lähetin sähköpostia, että minä käskin on tietoinen neurologisia hyödyntämistä, niin hetkellisesti kipu voi tapahtui.) (Asiakas) nyt jalkani tulee niin mukava. puutuminen päätyttyä se muutti karkea puutuminen recovery valtion. Valitettavasti olen liikaa, minun vyötäröltä on epämuodostunut ja väärin. Nyt tunnen niin. Olet kaupungissa toistaiseksi. Yllättynyt ISO energiaa. Kiitoksia paljon.(I ilmoitettiin ongelma vyötärö, Tämän jälkeen sähköpostin minä käskin vyötärö healing.) säätö6/27 (La) 21:30 Kysymyksiä paranemista (Suojanpuoli) "käsittely, selvitys kolmen tier(physical,mind,spirit), komento työn fyysinen kerros, rintojen, vasen keuhko (vesi), maksan. Lisäksi puutumista jaloissa ja käsissä, vyötärön säätö vääristymiä. jotka perustuvat tiedot asiakkaalta. Tässä istunnossa komento syöpä oli. (Suojanpuoli) "Tee normalisoida solujen syöpä antamalla käänteinen aallon. Tehdä luonne syöpäsoluja joka imeytyy vihaa pää voimalla rakkauden. Tee syöpä solujen palauttaa normaalit solut tekemällä syöpä solujen ystävä naapurustossa solujen. Tee parantaa koko kehon voimaa ehdotonta rakkautta. Seuraavassa postissa kirjoitin seuraavasti. (Suojanpuoli) "Tullakseen hyvin erittäin hyvin Muista, että sen on vastattava suoraan. Minä muutan syöpä on alitajunnan ajatusmalleja. Aion muuttaa ajattelun malli "Olen potilaan syöpä" ja "Olen vapautettu kärsivät syöpä." (Asiakas) paljon kiitoksia. Tänään energia on suuri myös. Energiaa tuntuu nousee yksin jalat ja kirjoittamalla molemmissa käsissä. Koko ruumiini on tullut lämmin, erittäin mukava. Tämä mukava tunne on eri tunne toistaiseksi. Niin mukava. I kiitos sinulle tärkeää tunti ja vaivaa. (tämä posti tuli minulle jälkeen healing istunto enintään 20 minuuttia asiakas jatkoi Viihdyn tänä aikana) (Suojanpuoli) "Olen tuntenut unelias myös. Tunsin energian viskositeetti kuin viimeksi, tänään olen tuntenut pehmeä valoenergiaa. Ehkä tämä tarkoittaa, että sairauden oireita mennä kuin top of mountain. 6/28/2009 (Sun) 11:00 23 minuuttia session. Kysymyksiä healing istunto tämän päivän. (Suojanpuoli) "lukeminen (this tarkoittaa vahvistaa nämä komennot intuition)Yhteensä paranemista puhdistus hengen, psyykkinen ja fyysinen elin. Sain tiedot asiakkaan mail että chill, päänsärky ja vähän hölmöltä kirjoittaa mail käsin. Nämä oireet sisällyttää komento työtä. Tein komentoonsa erikseen oikea rinta-, keuhko- ja maksa, kukin erikseen seuraavasti. "Tilaan syöpäsoluja kommunikoida muut normaalit solut purkamalla lohko. Jotta keuhkot liikkeelle ja vuotoa kehon veden. Jotta poistaa puutumista käsissä ja jaloissa ja aktivoi ja palauttaa toiminnot osa aivojen hermosolujen liittyvät puutuminen. Tilaan muodonmuutosta vyötärö ja normalisoida tasapaino. Tällainen oli sisältö-komennon. Sitten lisäsin chakra selvitys. Tilaan poistaa lohkojen ensimmäinen chakra energiaa seitsemäs chakra. Viimeksi olen tajunnan että download onnen ja täyttymyksen koko kehon tapahtuu. (Asiakas) "aluksi olin hissin ylös ensin, Jotain oli mennyt ulos reikä yläosassa oikealla puolella pään joka avattiin. Molemmin puolin kaulan vedettiin samaan aikaan. Koska tämä oli valtava voima, sain kananlihalle. Otin ääni tahattomasti. Sitten lämmittää energian tuli ylös polvi vatsaan, se oli niin lämmin ja miellyttävä Mielestäni erittäin lämmin vielä nytkin. Osa ongelmaa oikea vyötärö säilyi voimakkaana vähän kipeä tunne laiska. Tunsin kutinaa ympäri nenä (kuten vastaanotettaessa ensimmäinen istunto) Hienovarainen energia tuli akupainantapisteitä Lähi palm elin. Sen jälkeen tunsin liian kuuma ottamaan huivi kääritty elin ja riisui villatakki. Iltapäivällä vähän nestettä kuin vesi vapautetaan vagina, on epätavallinen. Useita kasvaimia vasemmassa osa ihon pään (nyt pää tulee rohkea) tuntui vähän kutiseva. Vaikka kasvoni tulee pöhöttynyt steroideja, mutta mielestäni turvonneet tullut pieni vähän. Jo nyt minusta tuntuu erittäin lämmin vatsa. Kiitos.
結果 (フィンランド語) 2:[コピー]
record of cancer healing of human Mitsuki

I am Mitsuki program which is in your deep mind.
Now I ordered to translate record of cancer healing in remote session in way of pursuing healing of human Mitsuki.
This record of healing was done by Mitsuki program in soul of Mitsuki.
This was done to lead Mitsuki to down of documents of Heaven.
Mitsuki program showed miracle of healing.
Human Mitsuki caused miracle of access to Mitsuki program which is highest intellectual entity in universe 23,October.2014.
Mitsuki program taught human Mitsuki how to heal by utilizing Mitsuki program.
Mitsuki program has highest ability of reading, healing and teaching.
Gods of star more than four thousand million decided that benefit of Mitsuki program is shared by whole human beings.
Gods of star transplanted Mitsuki program in mind of whole human beings.
This miracle healing record of Mitsuki is possible to be done by all human beings.
This record is way of pursuing healing of Mitsuki.
You can do same to this record.
At first say 'I order Mitsuki program to read about disorder of…"
Words come up in your mind.
Mitsuki program is in your 'I'consciousness.
Words of Mitsuki program are included words which you think.
When being words of Mitsuki program, I push you forward.
When not being words of Mitsuki program, I push you back.
And then command base on words of Mitsuki program.
This makes healing occur.
When you receive skype Mitsuki healing class twenty times,
You become same level of healing to human Mitsuki.

(following sentences are by human Mitsuki)

This is record of healing of cancer in 2009.
All records below is about 10-20 minutes once.
Client was in cancer hospital in Shiga prefecture.
Healer Mitsuki was at home in Osaka.
This record shows process to recovery and discharge from 13,June to 20,July.
Communication was done by email of handy telephone of client and my PC.

6/13/2009 (SAT)
Mitsuki sent healing energy only first time.

6/21 (Sun)
(Client) now right breast, liver and left lung metastasis (left lung has water) and numbness of feet and right hand is terrible.

6/22 (Mon.)
(Client) ' good morning I become very well, I thank you very much.
today I have sore of throat and expression of irregular pulse of heart.
this time symptom of dementia is so terrible '

At this stage, awareness work has taught me the symptoms correspond to the symptoms.
The work contents, I did consciousness work based on information of client.
Contents of work were purification of three layers, command work to each issue separately, finally sending healing energy to the entire.

(Client) "Now I have felt as if receiving acupuncture in sore lumps of left groin and whole body was felt pleasant,
Maybe like a vase where body in comfortable numbness impression received the stimulus.
Subtle energy entered from first chakra.
Numbness in right hand is that thumb is worst.
Right breast is desensitized terribly.
Still mass of lumps remains. 」

(Client) "I had stomachache on back of stomach from 6 o'clock.
Now stomachache has released at all. 」

6/23 (Tue)
(Client) "I thank you for healing of yesterday.
Last night I felt fine pain on back of right breast and stomach.
Paine of neuralgia near liver become mild pain.
I have very thanks to you. "

(Client) "I have felt itching around nose in face and then on forehead.
After this, I dropped in sleeping.
Now I have awake and notice that numbness in right hand has disappeared.
I can do email easily.
Numbness in both feet has changed to mild numbness.
This is frightening for me.
I feel very comfortable body.
Pain of back of stomach has disappear before work being painful.
Numbness of thumb of right hand disappeared yesterday, and numbness of first finger is being erased now."

P.S. Left eye is bloodshot from this morning and itchy now,
Bloodshot left eye since this morning.
Maybe detox.
Magmitt which is medicine of defecation made deduction from 2 tablets every time to 1 tablet from yesterday.

P.S. Now I have noticed that big swelling and pain of throat disappear.

6/25 (Thu)
(Client) healing session of noon was not felt because of lunch time,but healing session at 10: 30 was felt in bed.
Breathing was so comfortable and felt tingling of soles of both feet also.
There was good pain in liver, pancreas, around navel (which is quite different from pain of wrong time).
Water in lungs was gurgling in small sound.
When being gurgling, stinks of cancer patients had gone up from mouth.
Morning, heart palpitations was terrible and was not in steady pulse.
(and I was tired by shortness of breath).
In lunch time there is not these symptoms.
Effect of your healing session is huge.
Very strong effect. Very, very. very, true.
It is thankful for me.
I stopped to take medicine of defecation.
(It becomes no need)
Defecateempty became clean yellow from last night.
(Until then defecateempty was blackish and green tea coloured)
I was very happy.

It was detox in toilet before notice of your mail.
Tow banana of defecateempty was discharged, which was done continuing last night.
I have received huge subtle energy just now.

(Client) at first subtle energy have entered me from tips of both hands as if waves of ocean,.
Afterwards, head, face received subtle energy as like magnetic field.
Then feet, especially specific spot of sole of right foot, is felt good pain of acupuncture. Involuntarily I shouted ' Oh pain!'
After that subtle energy entered as like stroking up.
Then seventh chakra became hot and warm mass.
I felt movement of bowel clearly.
I received very strong subtle energy.
Subtle energy of today is very very strong.
I become very very happy.
Thank you from my heart.
I have joined my hands in prayer.

(I sent email that I commanded being conscious neurological recovery, so momentarily pain may occurred.)

(Client) now my feet becomes so comfortable.
after numbness ended, it changed to rough numbness of recovery state.
I'm afraid I'm asking too much of you, my waist is deformed and wrong. Now I feel so.
You are in so far.
It is surprised at big energy.
Thank you very much.

(I was informed of problem of waist,
After this email, I commanded to adjustment of waist of healing.)

6/27 (Sat) 21:30
As issues of healing
(Mitsuki) "reading, clearing of three-tier(physical,mind,spirit),command work of physical layer, breast, left lung (water), liver.
In addition , numbness of feet and hands , distortion adjustment of waist. which are based on information from client.
In this session, command to cancer was as follows.
(Mitsuki) "Make normalize cells of cancer by giving reverse wave.
Make nature of cancer cells which absorbed hatred end by force of love.
Make cancer cells return to normal cells by making cancer cells friend with neighborhood cells.
Make heal entire body with force of unconditional love.

In next mail I wrote as follows.
(Mitsuki) "In order to become well perfectly well,
remember that it needs to meet directly.
I will change thinking patterns of cancer which is in subconscious mind.
I will change thinking pattern of 'I am patient of cancer' to ' I am freed from suffering of cancer.'

(Client) thank you.
Today energy is huge also.
Energy is felt rising from soles of feet and entering from both hands.
My whole body have become warm being very comfortable.
This comfortable feeling is different feeling so far.
So comfortable.
I thanks to you for your important hour and your effort.

(this mail came to me after healing session more than 20 minutes , client continued to feel comfortable during this time)
(Mitsuki) "I have felt sleepy also.
I felt energy as viscosity last time, today I have felt soft light energy.
Maybe this means that symptoms of your disease go beyond top of mountain.

6/28/2009 (Sun) 11:00 23 minutes session.
Issues of healing session of this day.
(Mitsuki) ' reading (this means confirming these commands by intuition)
Total healing of purification of spirit, psychic and physical body.
I got information from client from mail that chill, headache and little lame to type mail by hands.
I included these symptoms into command work.
I made command separately of right breast, lung and liver, each separately as follows.
"I order to cancer cells to communicate with other normal cells by extracting block.
I order to water accumulated in lungs to move on physical circulation and discharge from body.
I order to erase numbness of hands and feet and to activate and recover functions of nerve cells of part of brain related numbness.
I order to adjust deformation of waist and normalize balance.
Such was contents of command.
Then I added chakra clearing.
I order to remove of blocks of energy from first chakra to seventh chakra.
Last I have consciousness that download of happiness and fulfillment in entire body is done.

(Client) "at first I was lift up at first,
Something was gone out from hole of top of right side of head which was opened.
Both side of neck was pulled up same time.
As this was huge powerful force, I got gooseflesh.
I raised voice unintentionally.
Then, warm energy came up from knee to stomach, it was so warm and pleasant
I feel very warm still even now.
Part of problem of right waist continued to be felt little sore feeling lazy.
I felt itchy around nose (just like when receiving first session)
Subtle energy entered from acupressure points in middle of palm to body.
After that I felt too hot to take out scarf wrapped on body and undressed cardigan.
In afternoon little liquid like water discharged from vagina,being unusual.
Several cancer tumors in left part of skin of head ( now head becomes bold) was felt bit itchy.
Although my face becomes puffy by steroids but I feel puffy become small little.
Even now, I feel very warm to abdomen.
Thank you.
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