The songs of Earth, Wind and Fire combine pure urban fantasy with the 翻訳 - The songs of Earth, Wind and Fire combine pure urban fantasy with the 繁体字中国語言う方法

The songs of Earth, Wind and Fire c

The songs of Earth, Wind and Fire combine pure urban fantasy with the type of facile brotherhood messages that also crop up in the music of Stevie Wonder and the O'Jays. But Earth, Wind and Fire wraps its sermons on universal love in fashionable mysticism. One has only to look as far as the cover of their current album to see the trappings: cleancut and dressed in white, the group stands, eyes closed, in positions of cosmic significance, while three white pyramids loom in the background.
Earth, Wind and Fire has been one of the few groups to successfully incorporate jazz flourishes with its brassy brand of funk. Combined with immaculate production and bandleader/coproducer Maurice White's knack for catchy melodies, this makes the band entertaining beyond its cosmic pretenses. In fact, "Getaway," a current pop smash, is EWF at its best. The theme is in line with urban escapist classics like "Up on the Roof" and "World of Fantasy," with pyramid mumbo-jumbo temporarily laid aside. A propulsive funk track laced with dizzying changes makes the song one of the most sophisticated pop hits in recent memory.

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結果 (繁体字中国語) 1: [コピー]
Earth, song net Urban fantasy bond Noriyuki KazeAtae fire也湧current history蒂夫-旺德sum chorus Dan Tekioto樂中basis輕便brother會消breath typology. However Earth, KazeKazuhi ring Nyo其說Judaism standing universal love at the time should be noted that mysticism. Only demand Nursing就看clothing other們當before specific專輯sealing surface ︰ concisely sum穿了herself basis white, the collecting Dan stick,閉著Gansei, tenure position universe significance, Thus three or white monument loom standing after臺. Earth, KazeKazuhi one straight success land delivery gave黃銅color goods tile basis HoKatsu爵士樂興旺的small數團體之scratch. Combining complete Mio產和sonorous on the mouth basis melody territory Corps / coproducer莫里斯-white manner訣竅,這就used obtained樂隊娛樂of transcendental其cosmic false裝. KotoMinoruue, "逃竄",當前epidemic powder碎,它充其量Tadaze EWF. Subject Shi sign Urban escape GenMinoru Classics ZoRyoya top manner "" sum "fantasy world" gave milestone莫名其妙interim release standing one邊. 帶有Ordinance glance not spare time indirectly變化promote HoKatsu orbit standing recently specific memory used obtained這首song one Noriyuki most pointed manner Netsumon.
結果 (繁体字中国語) 2:[コピー]
Global song, Kazehisho associative net Urban illusion gave淺顯basis fraternal news types, Zaishi Hisageotto Hiroshitachi sum O'Jays sound樂也appearance. Tadashize, Earth, KazeKazu Hitsutsumi裹在mysticism at the time should be noted that philanthropic說教. An individual only have盡possible fathom找他們目before專輯specific sealing surface Miita specific faction head. cleancut Kazumi Author lab coat, the collecting Dan display,閉上Gansei, standing cosmic significance duties, Thus three white monument background loom
the Earth, one Noriyuki KazeAtaehi已經several pairs success ChiToru input爵士樂與黃銅goods tiles芬克overnight暴富. AtaeKan aesthetic students產和territory Corps / coproducer莫里斯-懷特basis訣竅on the mouth basis melody phase coupling,這使obtained樂隊娛樂super out Ryo其cosmic pretense. KotoMinoruue, "Tsubouchi Yu",當前epidemic扣殺, Shi EWF處於SaiKei狀態. Subject ZeAtae Urban escape GenMinoru basis Classics, image "Arya top" sum "fantasy world" milestone Tensho interim擱置line. It gave old people dizziness basis變化crotch價的promote臨陣脫逃trajectories, in use song standing recently specific memory one Noriyuki top double雜的epidemic song.

結果 (繁体字中国語) 3:[コピー]
地球的歌曲,風與火的結合純粹的都市幻想和輕便兄弟會的消息,也出現在史提夫·汪達的音樂和O"Jays類型。但地球,風與火將其說教的時尚神秘宇宙的愛。只要看看他們現時的專輯封面看外表:簡明身著白衣,群站,閉上眼睛,在宇宙意義的位置,而三的白色金字塔在背景織機。地球,風和火已經成功地將爵士樂盛行的黃銅色品牌臨陣脫逃的幾組人。結合完美的生產和樂團指揮/聯合製片人Maurice White的訣竅,朗朗上口的旋律,這使得樂團娛樂超越宇宙的藉口。事實上,“逃亡”當前流行的粉碎,是在其最好的功能。主題是都市現實的經典如“屋頂上”和“幻想的世界裏,“金字塔胡言亂語暫時擱置。推進Funk軌道加了令人目眩的變化使這首歌在最近的記憶中最複雜的歌曲之一。
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