Honey, I really want to thank God that I was saved, God really protected me, and I escaped death. My love, it was not easy since Wednesday, we went for war front and come out with victory and my team captured the second in command of the Taliban, though we lost 3 soldiers and many injured. I just got some minor injuries. But right now am on treatment and responding to it.
My husband, I miss you, I really do, and there are no words that can possibly explain how I feel right now because I am alive today. Honey, I can tell just by the way you hold me that I mean so much to you; you make me feel so special. I hope you know how much you really mean to me - you're the reason why I get up in the morning, the reason why I do all the things I do because of how you love me.
You are so special and I wish with all my heart, my everything, and you mean the world to me. You are one in a million.
My love, I have important information for you and what I need from you is to keep it confidential and trust as usual. Listen careful. Honey, we found money and ammunition's during this our last mission with the Taliban in there hideout and we have submitted the ammunition's and some money to the government and our team has decided by our commander to share some of the money within ourselves which we have done and I got a share of $4.5,000,00 United States dollars.
Right now, everyone of us is moving out his or her share out of Afghanistan and I have decided to move my share through the United Kingdom Red cross that came to give us treatment, I contacted a woman among them to help me move my luggage into London and deposit it for me in a security company in the name of my wife, as my luggage, she never know that it was money, I only told her that it was my luggage. I have locked it and I have the security key number which I will give to you once the luggage is delivered to you.
My love, please I will like you to send me your full details below
Your full name:
Phone number..
It will enable her to deposit the luggage as a personal luggage and I will tell you on how you will contact the security company to deliver to you in your country.
My love, I want you to know that I have served my country and forsake my happiness, right now I want to resign and face my family, my little son has been lonely and you are also lonely, if not God I would have being a dead woman in this our last mission and what would I have told you and our daughter
Honey, once she deposit it, I will inform you to contact the company to deliver to you and once the luggage get to you I will quit and start coming immediately. Please note that I have the security lock number to open the box, I will only give it to you as soon as the luggage gets to you,
Please get back to me as soon as possible.
I love you
結果 (
日本語) 1:
Honey, I really want to thank God that I was saved, God really protected me, and I escaped death. My love, it was not easy since Wednesday, we went for war front and come out with victory and my team captured the second in command of the Taliban, though we lost 3 soldiers and many injured. I just got some minor injuries. But right now am on treatment and responding to it.My husband, I miss you, I really do, and there are no words that can possibly explain how I feel right now because I am alive today. Honey, I can tell just by the way you hold me that I mean so much to you; you make me feel so special. I hope you know how much you really mean to me - you're the reason why I get up in the morning, the reason why I do all the things I do because of how you love me.You are so special and I wish with all my heart, my everything, and you mean the world to me. You are one in a million.My love, I have important information for you and what I need from you is to keep it confidential and trust as usual. Listen careful. Honey, we found money and ammunition's during this our last mission with the Taliban in there hideout and we have submitted the ammunition's and some money to the government and our team has decided by our commander to share some of the money within ourselves which we have done and I got a share of $4.5,000,00 United States dollars. 今、私たちの誰もがアフガニスタンから彼または彼女のシェアを移動と私は私たちの治療を与えるために来たイギリス赤十字社を通して私の共有を移動することが、私は私がロンドンに私の荷物を移動し、私の妻の名前の警備会社の中に私の預金を助けるためそれらの中の女に連絡、私の荷物として彼女知っていること、それはお金、私は唯一の私の荷物だった彼女に言った。それをロックされているし、私はあなたに与える一度荷物があなたに配信されるセキュリティ キー番号を持っています。私の愛、私はのように以下の完全な詳細を送ってあなたの名前:アドレス電話番号. それは個人の荷物として荷物を入金する彼女を有効にして、あなたの国であなたに提供するセキュリティ会社を連絡する方法であなたを教えてくれます。私の愛、私は知っている、私は私の国を提供しているし、私の幸福は、今すぐ辞任して、そして私の家族に直面したいを捨てる、私の小さな息子が寂しかったと孤独がある場合神私はこれで死んだ女性の最後の使命をされている必要がもらいたいと言ったあなたと私たちの娘蜂蜜、彼女に預金、一度お知らせしてお届けする会社に連絡して終了、すぐに来るを開始する荷物を得れば。ボックスを開くセキュリティ ロック ・ ナンバーがある注意してください、私はあなたにそれを与えるがだけ、荷物を取得し、すぐにください私に戻って、できるだけ早く。愛しています