Okay tomoe read carefully.... If you think that I am happy. No I am not. I am not in a good mood now a days. Because I have a lot of problems around me now. My head is pain because of thinking about problems.. I don't need your help. I will do my operation my myself alone. I will do my operation in next April anywhey. I am ready to take bank loan. I have no choice. I will save how much I can. Rest of all from the bank loan. And I will do my operation in NAWALOKA HOSPITAL colombo. Because I feel both testicle having varecocele now. I want to clear this.. But I am sorry I don't need anyone help anymore. I don't expect anything from anyone. I have only my family. Keep money for your self. You helped me already enough... No body think about me like my family. Everyone just wish to make they happy only.. I understand everything before. I loved you its real also. But you just wish to make you happy.. Not me. I am sorry but you will never change my mind. I understood everything.