Every vessel shall have installed, maintained, and fully operational at all times on board an automatic location communicator (“ALC”) of a kind approved by the Government. The member vessels of the Association and the Association agree not to tamper with, remove or have removed any ALC for the member vessels of the Association after installation, except for the purposes of maintenance and repair as required. The Association and each member vessels of the Association shall be responsible for the purchase, maintenance and operational costs of the ALC, and shall cooperate fully with the Government in its utilization. The operator of a member vessel of the Association or his/her authorized agent, upon notification by the Government, that the vessel’s ALC has failed to transmit, shall ensure that position report containing the vessel’s name, call sign, position (expressed in latitude and longitude to minutes arc), and date and time of the report in the form prescribed in Appendix 8, are communicated to the Government at intervals of eight (8) hours, commencing from the time of notification of the failure of the ALC. Such report must continue until such time the ALC confirmed operational by the Government