Dear Parents,Firstly, we would like to thank some of you for your sugg翻訳 - Dear Parents,Firstly, we would like to thank some of you for your sugg日本語言う方法

Dear Parents,Firstly, we would like

Dear Parents,

Firstly, we would like to thank some of you for your suggestions regarding the evacuation of the students today due to the bombing that happened in the Thamrin area. We assure you that your points are well taken and we will take them into account in our next planning.

Secondly, based on the reports that we have gathered this evening, we believe the situation is well under control. In this regard, the school will continue to operate as per normal tomorrow. However, we leave it for you to decide whether to send your child to school or him/her them at home.

Finally, let’s continue to monitor the situation and proceed with caution wherever we are. Hopefully, we will see an end to all these bombings in the coming days.

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Parents,Firstly, we would like to thank some of you for your suggestions regarding the evacuation of the students today due to the bombing that happened in the Thamrin area. We assure you that your points are well taken and we will take them into account in our next planning. Secondly, based on the reports that we have gathered this evening, we believe the situation is well under control. In this regard, the school will continue to operate as per normal tomorrow. However, we leave it for you to decide whether to send your child to school or him/her them at home. Finally, let’s continue to monitor the situation and proceed with caution wherever we are. Hopefully, we will see an end to all these bombings in the coming days.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
親愛なる両親は、まず、我々が原因タムリン地区で起こった爆破事件に、今日の学生の避難に関するご提案のためにあなた方のうちの何人かに感謝したいと思います。私たちはあなたのポイントがよく取られ、私たちは私たちの次の計画にそれらを考慮することをお約束。第二 ​​に、我々はこの夜集まったレポートに基づいて、我々は状況がよく制御下にあると考えています。この点で、学校は明日通常通り動作し続けます。しかし、私たちは家庭であなたが学校にあなたの子供を送信するかどうかを決定するためにそれを残したり、彼/彼女のそれら。最後に、状況を監視し、私たちはどこにいても、注意して行ってくださいしていきましょう。うまくいけば、我々は数日中にすべてのこれらの爆撃に終止符が表示されます。

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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