The Finnish income taxes on your wages are the progressively calculated state tax, the municipal (local) tax, and the church tax.
You will be entitled to claim tax deductions for work-related costs and for payments of interest on any loan that you have taken to finance your permanent owner-occupied home. If your spouse and children have remained to live in your usual country of residence, deductible travel expenses will in that case also include your trips to see your family (calculations must be made assuming the cost of the cheapest means of transportation). Your work-related travel expenses in Finland will be deductible up to €7,000 per year, but there is a nondeductible minimum amount.
Deductions merely based on family circumstances are not possible. However, the maximum of €80 per year and per child can be credited on income tax in Finland, if a legal ruling has obliged you to pay maintenance.
Premiums for mandatory pension and unemployment insurance are deductible. Subject to certain restrictions, you will also be able to deduct voluntary pension insurance contributions paid to an insurance company established in the European Union.
The Finnish income taxes on your wages are the progressively calculated state tax, the municipal (local) tax, and the church tax.
You will be entitled to claim tax deductions for work-related costs and for payments of interest on any loan that you have taken to finance your permanent owner-occupied home. If your spouse and children have remained to live in your usual country of residence, deductible travel expenses will in that case also include your trips to see your family (calculations must be made assuming the cost of the cheapest means of transportation). Your work-related travel expenses in Finland will be deductible up to €7,000 per year, but there is a nondeductible minimum amount.
Deductions merely based on family circumstances are not possible. However, the maximum of €80 per year and per child can be credited on income tax in Finland, if a legal ruling has obliged you to pay maintenance.
Premiums for mandatory pension and unemployment insurance are deductible. Subject to certain restrictions, you will also be able to deduct voluntary pension insurance contributions paid to an insurance company established in the European Union.