I thank for information after posting the payment domain will be activated.
Best regards
On Czw 19 Lis 2015, 15:25:13, wrote:
> DOMENA PL osoba
> Zenryaku, I nakaza? swoim "com. Sex.PL "z dotycz?ce p?atno?ci ceny
> domen
> Ale my?l?, ?e to z powodu mojego kraju Pan con system ?rodowisko
> naturalne
> Mo?na by? zasilone wp?ywy prepaidowe z Internetu w Twoim systemie,
> Mo?e nie.
> (Nie sposob do ko?ca)
> Tak bardzo niedogodno?ci za niedogodno?ci, ale w za granic? pieni?dze
> przelew Agencja w Japonii
> enMiret, za po?rednictwem MoneyGram system w Stanach Zjednoczonych,
> "Com. Sex.PL "dla b?dziemy p?aci? za domeny.
> Nazwa us?ugi za granic? przekazow jest 10 minut us?ugi, i
> Numer konta nale?no?ci = numer referencyjny jest w "43880518".
> Tak, przepraszam, jeste? mile widziany swoj przykry niedogodno?ci tak
> System transferu pieni?dzy mi?dzynarodowych
> B?dziemy p?aci? cen? domeny 12,19 PLN (z?otych).
> Z przekazow regularne wynosz? wi?cej ni? 0,01 PLN PLN (z?otych) i
> Japonia Jen relacji kursowych,
> Teraz, to nadmiar informacji, mo?esz otrzyma? urlop pod ten temat,
> tak, robimy.
> Teraz w sposob odmienny od zaleg?ych p?atno?ci i p?atno?? regularne
> wp?aty i
> Przepraszam,
> W odniesieniu do rejestracji tej domeny i naszych akcjonariuszy.
> kousaku marui japan
> DOMENA PL person in charge
> Dear, I have concerning the payment of the price of the domain of I
> ordered in your "com.Sex.PL"
> You think of a thing by my country of Pankon of system of environment,
> From your Internet system, it is able to deposit the money in the
> prepaid payment
> Could not.
> (The method did not know until the end)
> So, very, but I will put you the inconvenience, it is in the overseas
> remittance Acting Company of Japan
> Through enMiret Inc., using the US MoneyGram's system of,
> We will pay the price of the domain of "com.Sex.PL" in your company.
> Service name of this overseas remittance is a 10 Minute Service,
> The price received number = Reference Number is subject to "43880518".
> Since it is, is we apologize for the inconvenience, I am sorry,
> The overseas remittance system,
> We will pay 12.19 PLN (Zloty) is the price of the domain.
> It should be noted that, due to the relationship of the exchange rate
> of the Japanese yen and PLN (Zloty), than a regular amount of money,
> and remittance of 0.01PLN large amount of money
> it is you have, but the regard to this excess, there are quite as
> directly receive charged.
> That payment becomes late, also is now the payment in a different way
> and payment method of regular,
> We are sorry,
> Regarding registration of this domain, please, thank you.
> kousaku marui japan
Marta Demska
Młodszy Specjalista ds. Rozliczeń | tel. (52) 366 77 28, fax (52) 552 42 44
Agnat Sp. z o.o. ul. Gdańska 107, 85-022 Bydgoszcz
KRS 0000090753, NIP 554-24-68-096, REGON 093031034
Kapitał Spółki 1.027.500,00 złotych