Happy New year Tanaka Tomodachitrust my mail finds you well. we thanks翻訳 - Happy New year Tanaka Tomodachitrust my mail finds you well. we thanks日本語言う方法

Happy New year Tanaka Tomodachitrus

Happy New year Tanaka Tomodachi

trust my mail finds you well. we thanks you very much for contacting us we organize for your safari while on your Holiday in Kenya below is a detailed programme for 3 days safari.


Day 1: Nairobi – Maasai Mara
After breakfast pick up from your hotel at 8:00am and drive west for Maasai Mara Game Reserve with lunch enroute arriving in time for evening game drive, Masai Mara game reserve which is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Maasai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at the Camp ( with hot showers and flush toilets)

Day 2: Maasai Mara full day
After breakfast proceed on a full day of game viewing within the reserve. The landscape here is scenic savannah grassland on rolling hills. The reserve is the best park for game in Kenya as it has an extensive road and track network which allows for close range viewing and photography. Break for your picnic lunch at the hippo pool, looking out for hippos and crocodile. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.

Day 3: Maasai Mara – Nairobi
Pre-Morning game drive to the with your guide in this park whose landscape is savannah grassland, the drive will drop you at the camp for breakfast latter depart to Nairobi with Lunch enrote. Arriving in the evening drop at the Hotel.


• Accommodation as per itinerary
• Transport and game drives
• 3 meals a day while on safari
• Services of our Professional Guide/Driver
• All park entrance fees
• All game drives
• Airport Transfers

• Personal Insurance
• Items of personal use
• Alcoholic & Soft drinks
• Masai Village (optional)
• Accommodation in Nairobi
• Mineral water
• Balloon Safari
• Tips

Thanks and looking forward for your reply and incase of any other question please feel free to contact again.

Kind Regards

On 2016-01-06 17:09, tanakafusae wrote:
Sorry about just now.
Without knowing the words I'm sorry.
In the Masai Mara 2 nights in three days and 300 us $ heard
What was different,your company?
If I am alone rates high,
With a somewhere group it is possible?
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Happy New year Tanaka Tomodachitrust my mail finds you well. we thanks you very much for contacting us we organize for your safari while on your Holiday in Kenya below is a detailed programme for 3 days safari. 3 DAYS MASAI MARADay 1: Nairobi – Maasai MaraAfter breakfast pick up from your hotel at 8:00am and drive west for Maasai Mara Game Reserve with lunch enroute arriving in time for evening game drive, Masai Mara game reserve which is Kenya's finest wildlife sanctuary. Including migrants, well over 450 species of animals have been recorded here. Although July, August and September are the months when the Mara plains are filled with migrating wildebeest and zebra, there is also resident wildlife year round. The famous Maasai tribesmen live within the dispersal area of the game reserve. Dinner and overnight at the Camp ( with hot showers and flush toilets)Day 2: Maasai Mara full dayAfter breakfast proceed on a full day of game viewing within the reserve. The landscape here is scenic savannah grassland on rolling hills. The reserve is the best park for game in Kenya as it has an extensive road and track network which allows for close range viewing and photography. Break for your picnic lunch at the hippo pool, looking out for hippos and crocodile. Dinner and overnight at the Camp.Day 3: Maasai Mara – NairobiPre-Morning game drive to the with your guide in this park whose landscape is savannah grassland, the drive will drop you at the camp for breakfast latter depart to Nairobi with Lunch enrote. Arriving in the evening drop at the Hotel. THE PRICE OF THE ABOVE WILL BE 300 USD PER PERSON CAMPING GROUP SAFARI.COST INCLUDES• Accommodation as per itinerary• Transport and game drives• 3 meals a day while on safari• Services of our Professional Guide/Driver• All park entrance fees• All game drives• Airport TransfersNOT INCLUDED• Personal Insurance• Items of personal use• Alcoholic & Soft drinks• Masai Village (optional)• Accommodation in Nairobi• Mineral water• Balloon Safari• TipsThanks and looking forward for your reply and incase of any other question please feel free to contact again.Kind RegardsMartha.On 2016-01-06 17:09, tanakafusae wrote:Sorry about just now.Without knowing the words I'm sorry.In the Masai Mara 2 nights in three days and 300 us $ heardWhat was different,your company?If I am alone rates high,With a somewhere group it is possible?
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
ハッピーニューイヤー田中トモダチは私のメールがあなたによく見つけ信頼しています。。以下の3日間のサファリのための詳細なプログラムであるケニアでの休暇にしながら、私たちはあなたのサファリのための整理私達に連絡するための非常に私たちのおかげで、あなたに3日マサイマラ1日目:ナイロビ-マサイマラ朝食後8であなたのホテルからピックアップ: 00amと途中夕方のゲームドライブ、ケニア有数の野生動物保護区であるマサイマラゲームリザーブの時間に到着昼食とマサイマラゲームリザーブのために車で西。移民を含め、動物の優に超える450種がここに記録されています。7月、8月、9月はマラ平原がヌーとシマウマの移行で満たされているか月ですが、また、常駐野生生物一年中あります。有名なマサイ族の部族民は、ゲームリザーブの散布領域内に住んでいます。(ホットシャワー、水洗トイレ付き)夕食と一晩キャンプで2日目:マサイマラ一日朝食後は、リザーブ内の閲覧、ゲームの完全な日に進みます。ここでの風景は、丘陵上の風光明媚なサバンナの草原です。それは近距離の表示と撮影を可能に豊富な道路とトラックのネットワークを持っているとして、準備金は、ケニアのゲームのための最高の公園です。カバとワニを探して、カバのプールであなたのピクニックランチを破ります。一晩キャンプで夕食と。3 日目:マサイマラ-ナイロビ風景サバンナ草原であるこの公園であなたのガイドと一緒にプリ朝のゲームドライブ、ドライブはランチenroteでナイロビに朝食後者出発のためのキャンプであなたをドロップします。ホテルでの夜の低下に到着。上記の価格はPERSONキャンプGROUP SAFARIあたり300ドルになります。費用はINCLUDES 旅程ごとに•宿泊を•トランスポート、ゲームドライブは3食日•サファリにしながら、私たちの専門のガイドの•サービス/ドライバ•すべての公園入場料は•すべてのゲームドライブは、空港送迎を• 含まれないもの•個人保険、個人的な使用の•項目•アルコール&ソフトドリンクを•マサイ村(オプション)ナイロビ•宿泊•ミネラルウォーター•バルーンサファリ•ヒントのおかげと見て。お返事を転送し、他の質問の包み再び気軽にお問い合わせください敬具。マーサは、2016 年1月6日17:09に、tanakafusaeは書きました:ちょうど今については申し訳ありません。ごめんなさい言葉を知らない。でマサイマラ3日間で2泊300 US $は聞いた、あなたの会社に異なっていたか?私は一人率が高いですした場合、それが可能であるどこかのグループでは?

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
happy new year tanaka tomodachi

my mail trust you wellを見つけます。we thanksあなたは非常にmuchは整理するサファリのためのyour holiday onケニアbelowにis 3日間サファリのための詳細な計画のために、contacting .


day 1 : breakfast pickあなたのhotelから8の後にナイロビ–マサイマラ
:lunch enroute夜のゲームドライブのための時間に到着しマラゲームreserveマサイ族のための00am and駆動西、マサイ族のマラゲームreserve whichケニアのfinest wildlife sanctuary is .migrants including ,動物の種は、ここ450 over recorded beenを持って.although july、8月and september are theヵ月when theマラplains are migratingヌーand zebraを充填した,resident wildlife yearラウンドthere。the famousマサイ部族theゲームreserveの分散領域within live .theキャンプの夕食のand overnight ( hot showers and水洗トイレで)
日2:マサイマラfull day
breakfast the reserve withinなゲームのfull day on proceed after .ここの景色の丘陵地にscenicサバンナgrassland is .the reserve the最高のparkケニアでゲームのためにそれをan close range視聴と写真撮影which allows広範囲な路上やトラックnetwork hasとして.カバプールatあなたのピクニックランチのためにbreak , hippos and crocodileのために外を見ていた。theキャンプの夕食のand overnight .

day 3 :マサイマラ–ナイロビ
pre morningゲームドライブは、this parkサバンナの景色がgrasslandにあなたのguideとto ,the drive breakfast後者のためにキャンプatはlunch enroteとナイロビto depart will .ホテルでeveningに到着した。

the以上のprice campingグループsafari personあたり300ドルbeにコストincludes
•accommodation as per itinerary
•3 mealsながら、day on safari
•all park fees

•personal insurance
•アイテムof personal use
感謝and forwardに見えて、あなたの答えと他のquestionいずれのincase再び接触to freeに感じてください。

kind regards
マルタ. 2016-01-06 17:09 on

,tanakafusae wrote :ちょうどnow about sorry .
私は申し訳ありませんthe words知るよしもない。
マサイ族のマラ2 nightsで3日間にand 300 us
ドルdifferent , was what heard your company?私はalone
possible is somewhereグループとは?
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