Good Afternoon,
We would like to inform you that KOMATSU Press (BL-2) installation already
Finished on January 16, 2015. Safety Check already done on January 19, 2015.
Machine trial January 21 ~ February 6, 2015.
While trial process we got Problem for No.2 MB stopper. One of Stopper movement
(Up & Down) slowly than the other one. This problem has already Fixed by Deguchi San
And Shin Yamamoto San.
Yesterday we faced problem for Cross point stopper. The one of Stopper could not move up.
After we hit it by Rubber Hammer, it is can move up/down, but on up position
The upper limit not On, so Die change cannot performed both manual & Auto.
The other problem still remain is, while ADC process (when Slide up) oil spray out from Silencer/ Valve
Positioned on the top of machine. Current condition the oil level for slide lubrication
Goes low.
We don’t know the KOMATSU windows person for current project. So could you please
Help me for this problem.
Thanks in advance for your support,
Best regards,