Happy new year to you.. I hope more success come to you in this new year...
Thank you very much for your information regarding the QAV 2.3 which will be held on 14 january 2015 at Suminoe indonesia...
But we are really sorry... I would like to propose to change to :
- Date : 21/22 Jan 2015
- Time : 10:00 AM
- Place : Suminoe Indonesia Factory
The reason is because.. after we supply the 2 SJ fabric for D 1 Activity to Ts Tech Indonesia and to Ts Thailand... we have to make some adjustment to our emboss machine.... so we need time to adjust it...
Because of that we propose to 21/22 jan 2015...
Once again really sorry for this changing... I hope you can accept my apologize...
Please inform me which date HPM and HRAP prefer...