Deadline for the August 2015 Intake: 31 March 2015
Implementing Guidelines
Scholarships are for a period of one to two years and are awarded at designated institutions (DIs) in the Asia and Pacific region. Studies in economics, business and management, science and technology and other development-related fields are eligible. The maximum duration of scholarship award is two years for the MA, MS, & MBA Program. In cases where a PhD program is approved, the duration is also two years.
Remarks: Government of Japan has made clear that it would support only up to 2 years, consistent whith similar assistance that it is coursing through other international development institutions.
A. Renewal of Scholarships
1. The initial scholarship period is one year. An appropriate extension for the second year of study shall be conditional on the scholar's maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the DI.
2. Extension of scholarships will not be allowed, in principle, beyond the two-year period.
3. Scholarships maybe suspended for a maximum of twelve months or two semesters, if deemede necessary for valid reasons such as health or family reasons.
4. The total number of scholarship awards is reviewed and set yearly by ADB. Within the total number of scholars, ADB will approve new scholars based upon the recommendation of DIs when incumbent scholars complete studies or withdraw their scholarships.
B. Deferment of Awards
1. Deferment of awards may be granted for up to a maximum of six months or one semester, at the discretion of the DI. The DI should submit the request for deferral to the ADB. Deferrals maybe approve for valid reasons, including pregnancy, unresolved family issues, or failure to obtain a visa. If a student cannot take upt the offer within one year after the year for which it is awarded, he/she has to reapply for the scholarship.
C. Replacement of Dropouts
1. Replacement of scholars who have dropped from the Program is not allowed during the academic year.
D. Transfer of Scholarships
1. A transfer from one course of study to another, or to another institution, is not allowed.
E. Special Conditions
1. In accepting the ADB-JSP scholarship, scholars should commit themselves to return to, and work in their home countries for a period of at least 2 years after completion of their studies.
2. In accepting the ADB-JSP scholarship, scholars consent to the employment restriction policy of the ADB-JSP and acknowledge that they will not be able to work at ADB for two years after completion of their academic programs.
F. Termination of Scholarships
1. Scholarships maybe terminated upon the recommendation of the DI, at anytime, for failure to make satisfactory academic progress, failure to comply with the laws of the host country (location of DI), misconduct, or breaches of the conditions of the ADB-JSP or the student visa.
A. Eligibility Requirements:
1. A national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship).
2. Gained admission to an approved MA/PhD course at a DI.
3. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent with superior academic record.
4. At least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at a time of application.
Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
5. Not more than 35 years old at the time of application. In exceptional cases, for programs which are appropriate for senior officials and managers, the age limit is 45 years old.
6. In good health.
7. Should agree to return to his/her home county after completion of studies under the Program.
8. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship.
9. Staff of DIs are not eligible for the Scholarship.
10. Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for the scholarships.
11. ADB-JSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled in graduate degree programs.
12. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programs, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects.
B. Selection Criteria:
1. Priority to the ranking, or order of merit, proposed by the DIs.
2. Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected.
3. Preference to women candidates.
4. Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity. Family income should be not more than USD50, 000 per year and individual income should not be more than USD25,000 per year.
5. The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad.
6. The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second MA or a second PhD degree.
7. Candidates who are applying at a DI in their own country may not be selected.
8. Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each DI level will be considered.
9. The Program encourages studies in line with core areas of ADB's Strategy 2020, which address poverty reduction through infrastructure, environment, regional cooperation and integration, finance sector develpment, and education. Strategry 2020, ADB's strategy, sets ADB's strategic course for its operations to the year 2020. For more details, please refer to the website:
C. Procedures for Applying:
1. Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen DI. Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the DI's website & handbooks, and DI information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the DI and course they wish to undertake.
2. Applicants should indicate to the DI that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB-JSP Scholarship. The completed DI application form and required documentation, including the ADB-JSP Information Sheet form, should be submitted to the DI. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual Salary/Monthly Salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a Certification of Family Income (Parent's Income/Spouse if married).
3. The DI will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the DI may contact the candidates for further information. The DI will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking.
4. ADB will review the submission from the DIs and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval.
5. Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise DIs on the successful candidates.
6. The DI will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.
7. The DIs will arrange for the signing of the Acceptance of Scholarship Award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country.
8. ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to each scholar.
A. Coverage
1. Tuition fees (actual costs)
2. Housing (based on actual cost of dormitory housing or a reasonable allowance for appropriate off campus housing—to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
3. Subsistence Allowance (a flat allowance to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
4. Student Medical and accident insurance (actual costs).
5. Books (a flat allowance to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
6. Economy class air travel at most direct route to and from the DI and the awardee’s home country (actual costs).
7. Miscellaneous expenses related to travel such as visa fees, airport taxes, luggage allowance, etc. (a flat allowance).
8. Excess luggage up to 20 kgs may be financed during return travel to the home country (actual costs).
9. Thesis/Research Allowance is intended to cover the scholar's research expenditures and can be used for such expenditure items as photocopying, school supplies, typin
結果 (
インドネシア語) 1:
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK-JAPAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (ADB-JSP)Deadline for the August 2015 Intake: 31 March 2015ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK-JAPAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (ADB-JSP)Implementing Guidelines I. TERMS OF AWARDS Scholarships are for a period of one to two years and are awarded at designated institutions (DIs) in the Asia and Pacific region. Studies in economics, business and management, science and technology and other development-related fields are eligible. The maximum duration of scholarship award is two years for the MA, MS, & MBA Program. In cases where a PhD program is approved, the duration is also two years.Remarks: Government of Japan has made clear that it would support only up to 2 years, consistent whith similar assistance that it is coursing through other international development institutions. A. Renewal of Scholarships 1. The initial scholarship period is one year. An appropriate extension for the second year of study shall be conditional on the scholar's maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the DI. 2. Extension of scholarships will not be allowed, in principle, beyond the two-year period. 3. Scholarships maybe suspended for a maximum of twelve months or two semesters, if deemede necessary for valid reasons such as health or family reasons. 4. The total number of scholarship awards is reviewed and set yearly by ADB. Within the total number of scholars, ADB will approve new scholars based upon the recommendation of DIs when incumbent scholars complete studies or withdraw their scholarships. B. Deferment of Awards 1. Deferment of awards may be granted for up to a maximum of six months or one semester, at the discretion of the DI. The DI should submit the request for deferral to the ADB. Deferrals maybe approve for valid reasons, including pregnancy, unresolved family issues, or failure to obtain a visa. If a student cannot take upt the offer within one year after the year for which it is awarded, he/she has to reapply for the scholarship. C. Replacement of Dropouts 1. Replacement of scholars who have dropped from the Program is not allowed during the academic year. D. Transfer of Scholarships 1. A transfer from one course of study to another, or to another institution, is not allowed. E. Special Conditions1. In accepting the ADB-JSP scholarship, scholars should commit themselves to return to, and work in their home countries for a period of at least 2 years after completion of their studies. 2. In accepting the ADB-JSP scholarship, scholars consent to the employment restriction policy of the ADB-JSP and acknowledge that they will not be able to work at ADB for two years after completion of their academic programs. F. Termination of Scholarships1. Scholarships maybe terminated upon the recommendation of the DI, at anytime, for failure to make satisfactory academic progress, failure to comply with the laws of the host country (location of DI), misconduct, or breaches of the conditions of the ADB-JSP or the student visa. II. SELECTION A. Eligibility Requirements: 1. A national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship). 2. Gained admission to an approved MA/PhD course at a DI. 3. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent with superior academic record. 4. At least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at a time of application. Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies. 5. Not more than 35 years old at the time of application. In exceptional cases, for programs which are appropriate for senior officials and managers, the age limit is 45 years old. 6. In good health. 7. Should agree to return to his/her home county after completion of studies under the Program. 8. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship. 9. Staff of DIs are not eligible for the Scholarship. 10. Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for the scholarships. 11. ADB-JSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled in graduate degree programs. 12. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programs, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects. B. Selection Criteria: 1. Priority to the ranking, or order of merit, proposed by the DIs. 2. Applicants with less than two years of work experience will not be selected. 3. Preference to women candidates. 4. Preference to applicants with lesser financial capacity. Family income should be not more than USD50, 000 per year and individual income should not be more than USD25,000 per year. 5. The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who have previously studied abroad. 6. The Program will, in principle, not support applicants who are pursuing a second MA or a second PhD degree. 7. Candidates who are applying at a DI in their own country may not be selected. 8. Diversification of nationality in the overall Program as well as at each DI level will be considered. 9. The Program encourages studies in line with core areas of ADB's Strategy 2020, which address poverty reduction through infrastructure, environment, regional cooperation and integration, finance sector develpment, and education. Strategry 2020, ADB's strategy, sets ADB's strategic course for its operations to the year 2020. For more details, please refer to the website: C. Procedures for Applying: 1. Applicants should request information and application forms from the chosen DI. Applicants are encouraged to access various resources, including the DI's website & handbooks, and DI information sessions held in-country, to assist them in making an informed decision on the DI and course they wish to undertake. 2. Applicants should indicate to the DI that they are applying for admission and that they would like to be considered for the ADB-JSP Scholarship. The completed DI application form and required documentation, including the ADB-JSP Information Sheet form, should be submitted to the DI. Applicants must ensure that they submit accurate and complete documentation. Failure to do so may result in an application not being processed or to an award being terminated if documentation or information provided is later determined to be false. Applicants are required to submit their latest Income Tax Return or Certification of their Annual Salary/Monthly Salary, whichever is available. They should also submit a Certification of Family Income (Parent's Income/Spouse if married). 3. The DI will screen and rank the applicants, based on its own selection criteria, keeping in view the eligibility requirements and selection criteria of the ADB. In the evaluation process, the DI may contact the candidates for further information. The DI will then submit its ranked list of applicants to ADB, including a description of the score/grading system which is the basis for the ranking. 4. ADB will review the submission from the DIs and recommend awardees based on the selection criteria of ADB to the Executive Director of Japan for formal approval. 5. Upon approval by the Executive Director of Japan, ADB will advise DIs on the successful candidates.
6. The DI will inform all applicants of the outcome of the selection process and begin to make arrangements for the awardees take up their scholarships.
7. The DIs will arrange for the signing of the Acceptance of Scholarship Award by awardee wherein the scholars agree that after completion of their study, they will return to their home country.
8. ADB will send an appropriate congratulatory letter to each scholar.
A. Coverage
1. Tuition fees (actual costs)
2. Housing (based on actual cost of dormitory housing or a reasonable allowance for appropriate off campus housing—to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
3. Subsistence Allowance (a flat allowance to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
4. Student Medical and accident insurance (actual costs).
5. Books (a flat allowance to be agreed upon between each DI and ADB).
6. Economy class air travel at most direct route to and from the DI and the awardee’s home country (actual costs).
7. Miscellaneous expenses related to travel such as visa fees, airport taxes, luggage allowance, etc. (a flat allowance).
8. Excess luggage up to 20 kgs may be financed during return travel to the home country (actual costs).
9. Thesis/Research Allowance is intended to cover the scholar's research expenditures and can be used for such expenditure items as photocopying, school supplies, typin

結果 (
インドネシア語) 2:
Batas waktu untuk Agustus 2015 Intake: 31 Maret 2015 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK-JAPAN PROGRAM BEASISWA (ADB-JSP) Pedoman Pelaksana I. PERSYARATAN PENGHARGAAN Beasiswa untuk jangka waktu satu sampai dua tahun dan diberikan pada lembaga yang ditunjuk (DIs) di kawasan Asia dan Pasifik. Studi di bidang ekonomi, bisnis dan manajemen, ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dan bidang terkait pembangunan lainnya yang memenuhi syarat. Durasi maksimum beasiswa yang diberikan adalah dua tahun untuk MA, MS, & Program MBA. Dalam kasus di mana program PhD disetujui, durasi juga dua tahun. Keterangan: Pemerintah Jepang telah membuat jelas bahwa itu akan mendukung hanya sampai 2 tahun, konsisten whith bantuan serupa bahwa itu mengalir melalui lembaga-lembaga pembangunan internasional lainnya. A. Pembaharuan Beasiswa 1. Periode beasiswa awal adalah satu tahun. Perpanjangan sesuai untuk tahun kedua penelitian akan tergantung pada sarjana mempertahankan tingkat yang memuaskan dari kinerja yang ditentukan oleh DI. 2. Perpanjangan beasiswa tidak akan diizinkan, pada prinsipnya, melampaui jangka waktu dua tahun. 3. Beasiswa mungkin ditangguhkan selama maksimal dua belas bulan atau dua semester, jika deemede diperlukan untuk alasan yang sah seperti alasan kesehatan atau keluarga. 4. Jumlah beasiswa penghargaan ditinjau dan diatur tahunan ADB. Dalam jumlah sarjana, ADB akan menyetujui sarjana baru berdasarkan rekomendasi dari DIs ketika studi sarjana menjabat lengkap atau menarik beasiswa mereka. B. Penangguhan Awards 1. Penundaan penghargaan dapat diberikan sampai maksimal enam bulan atau satu semester, pada kebijaksanaan DI. DI harus mengirimkan permintaan untuk penangguhan ke ADB. Penangguhan mungkin menyetujui untuk alasan yang sah, termasuk kehamilan, masalah keluarga yang belum terselesaikan, atau kegagalan untuk mendapatkan visa. Jika seorang siswa tidak dapat mengambil UPT tawaran dalam waktu satu tahun setelah tahun untuk yang diberikan, ia / dia harus mengajukan permohonan kembali untuk beasiswa. C. Penggantian Putus Sekolah 1. Penggantian sarjana yang telah turun dari Program tersebut tidak diperbolehkan selama tahun akademik. D. Pengalihan Beasiswa 1. Sebuah transfer dari satu program studi yang lain, atau lembaga lain, tidak diperbolehkan. E. Kondisi Khusus 1. Dalam menerima beasiswa ADB-JSP, ulama harus berkomitmen untuk kembali ke, dan bekerja di negara asal mereka untuk jangka waktu minimal 2 tahun setelah menyelesaikan studi mereka. 2. Dalam menerima beasiswa ADB-JSP, ulama menyetujui kebijakan pembatasan kerja dari ADB-JSP dan mengakui bahwa mereka tidak akan dapat bekerja di ADB selama dua tahun setelah menyelesaikan program akademis mereka. F. Pemutusan Beasiswa 1. Beasiswa mungkin dihentikan atas rekomendasi dari DI, kapan saja, untuk kegagalan untuk membuat kemajuan akademik yang memuaskan, kegagalan untuk mematuhi hukum negara tuan rumah (lokasi DI), kesalahan, atau pelanggaran kondisi ADB-JSP atau visa pelajar. II. SELEKSI A. Persyaratan Persyaratan: 1. Sebuah nasional negara anggota ADB pinjaman (pelamar dari negara-negara yang tidak lagi meminjam dari ADB tidak memenuhi syarat untuk Beasiswa ADB-JSP). 2. Raih masuk ke kursus MA / PhD disetujui pada DI. 3. Sebuah gelar sarjana atau setara dengan catatan akademis yang unggul. 4. Setidaknya dua (2) tahun penuh waktu pengalaman kerja profesional (diperoleh setelah gelar universitas) pada saat aplikasi. Kemahiran dalam keterampilan komunikasi bahasa Inggris lisan dan tertulis untuk dapat melanjutkan studi. 5. Tidak lebih dari 35 tahun pada saat aplikasi. Dalam kasus luar biasa, untuk program yang tepat bagi para pejabat senior dan manajer, batas usia adalah 45 tahun. 6. Dalam kesehatan yang baik. 7. Harus setuju untuk kembali ke / kabupaten rumahnya setelah selesai studi di bawah Program. 8. Direktur Eksekutif, Direktur Alternatif, manajemen dan staf ADB, konsultan, dan kerabat dari tersebut tidak memenuhi syarat untuk beasiswa. 9. Staf DIs tidak memenuhi syarat untuk beasiswa. 10. Pelamar yang tinggal atau bekerja di negara lain selain / negara asal nya tidak memenuhi syarat untuk beasiswa. 11. ADB-JSP tidak mendukung pelamar yang sudah terdaftar di program sarjana. 12. ADB-JSP tidak mensponsori studi sarjana, program pembelajaran jarak jauh, pelatihan jangka pendek, konferensi, seminar, menulis skripsi, dan proyek-proyek penelitian. B. Kriteria Seleksi: 1. Prioritas ke peringkat, atau perintah merit, yang diusulkan oleh DIs. 2. Pelamar dengan kurang dari dua tahun pengalaman kerja tidak akan dipilih. 3. Preferensi untuk kandidat perempuan. 4. Preferensi untuk pelamar dengan kemampuan keuangan yang lebih rendah. Pendapatan keluarga harus tidak lebih dari USD50, 000 per tahun dan pendapatan individu tidak boleh lebih dari USD25,000 per tahun. 5. Program akan, pada prinsipnya, tidak mendukung pelamar yang sebelumnya telah belajar di luar negeri. 6. Program akan, pada prinsipnya, tidak mendukung pelamar yang mengejar MA kedua atau gelar PhD kedua. 7. Kandidat yang mendaftar di DI di negara mereka sendiri mungkin tidak akan dipilih. 8. Diversifikasi kebangsaan dalam Program keseluruhan maupun di setiap tingkat DI akan dipertimbangkan. 9. Program ini mendorong studi sesuai dengan bidang inti Strategi ADB 2020, yang membahas pengurangan kemiskinan melalui infrastruktur, lingkungan, kerjasama dan integrasi regional, develpment sektor keuangan, dan pendidikan. 2020, strategi ADB Strategry, menetapkan program strategis ADB untuk operasi untuk tahun 2020. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan lihat website: http: // C. Prosedur untuk Menerapkan: 1. Pelamar harus meminta informasi dan aplikasi bentuk dari DI dipilih. Pelamar dianjurkan untuk mengakses berbagai sumber daya, termasuk DI situs & buku pegangan, dan sesi informasi DI diadakan di negara, untuk membantu mereka dalam membuat keputusan di DI dan tentu saja mereka ingin melakukan. 2. Pelamar harus menunjukkan kepada DI bahwa mereka menerapkan untuk masuk dan bahwa mereka ingin dipertimbangkan untuk beasiswa ADB-JSP. Menyelesaikan formulir aplikasi DI dan diperlukan dokumentasi, termasuk bentuk Lembar Informasi ADB-JSP, harus diserahkan kepada DI. Pelamar harus memastikan bahwa mereka mengirimkan dokumentasi yang akurat dan lengkap. Kegagalan untuk melakukannya dapat mengakibatkan aplikasi tidak sedang diproses atau penghargaan yang dihentikan jika dokumentasi atau informasi yang diberikan kemudian bertekad untuk menjadi palsu. Pemohon diwajibkan untuk menyerahkan terbaru mereka Pajak Penghasilan atau Sertifikasi Gaji tahunan mereka / Bulanan Gaji, mana yang tersedia. Mereka juga harus menyerahkan Sertifikasi Pendapatan Keluarga (Orang Tua Penghasilan / Pasangan jika menikah). 3. DI akan menyaring dan peringkat pelamar berdasarkan kriteria seleksi sendiri, dengan tetap melihat persyaratan dan kriteria seleksi dari ADB. Dalam proses evaluasi, DI dapat menghubungi calon untuk informasi lebih lanjut. DI kemudian akan menyerahkan daftar peringkat pelamar untuk ADB, termasuk deskripsi dari sistem nilai / gradasi yang merupakan dasar untuk peringkat. 4. ADB akan meninjau pengajuan dari DIs dan merekomendasikan penerima beasiswa berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan ADB kepada Direktur Eksekutif Jepang untuk persetujuan formal. 5. Setelah disetujui oleh Direktur Eksekutif Jepang, ADB akan menyarankan DIs pada kandidat yang berhasil. 6. DI akan menginformasikan semua pelamar dari hasil proses seleksi dan mulai membuat pengaturan untuk penerima beasiswa mengambil beasiswa mereka. 7. The DIs akan mengatur penandatanganan Penerimaan Penghargaan Beasiswa oleh penerima beasiswa di mana para ulama sepakat bahwa setelah selesai studi mereka, mereka akan kembali ke negara asalnya. 8. ADB akan mengirim surat ucapan selamat yang sesuai untuk setiap sarjana. III. THE BEASISWA A. Cakupan 1. Biaya kuliah (biaya aktual) 2. Perumahan (berdasarkan biaya aktual asrama perumahan atau tunjangan yang wajar untuk kampus yang sesuai off perumahan yang disepakati antara setiap DI dan ADB). 3. Subsisten Allowance (tunjangan datar yang disepakati antara setiap DI dan ADB). 4. Mahasiswa Kedokteran dan asuransi kecelakaan (biaya yang sebenarnya). 5. Buku (tunjangan datar yang disepakati antara setiap DI dan ADB). 6. Perjalanan udara kelas ekonomi di rute yang paling langsung ke dan dari DI dan negara asal penerima beasiswa ini (biaya yang sebenarnya). 7. Biaya lain-lain yang berhubungan dengan perjalanan seperti biaya visa, pajak bandara, tunjangan bagasi, dll (tunjangan datar). 8. Kelebihan bagasi hingga 20 kg dapat dibiayai selama perjalanan kembali ke negara asal (biaya yang sebenarnya). 9. Tesis / Penelitian Penyisihan ini dimaksudkan untuk menutupi pengeluaran penelitian sarjana dan dapat digunakan untuk barang-barang seperti pengeluaran sebagai fotokopi, perlengkapan sekolah, typin