No updates detected in the log for the freshclam daemon (the
ClamAV update process). If the freshclam daemon is not running,
you may need to restart it. Other options:
A. If you no longer wish to run freshclam, deleting the log file
(default is freshclam.log) will suppress this error message.
B. If you use a different log file, update the appropriate
configuration file. For example:
echo "LogFile = log_file" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/clam-update.conf
where log_file is the filename of the freshclam log file.
C. If you are logging using syslog, you need to indicate that your
log file uses the syslog format. For example:
echo "*OnlyService = freshclam" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/clam-update.conf
echo "*RemoveHeaders" >> /etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/clam-update.conf