Tobacco and its variants in the form of cigarette,beedis,Hukka,Cigar,Chutta,Jardha,Gutkha,Kaini etc which cause cancer are already known to most of the people. But these diseases show their symptoms at later stages may be after 30-40 years which leaves the people neglect the side effects at the initial stages.
Each cigarette we smoke , reduces our life by 7 minutes ! Around 5 million people die every year and in India around 1 million people die due to this addiction. Of those , working people around the age 35 - 63 years are high. This has resulted in a loss of 60 million years of man power worth 200 million dollars.
結果 (
ネパール語) 1:
सुर्ती र चुरोट, beedis, Hukka, सिगार, Chutta, Jardha, Gutkha, Kaini आदि मान्छे को सबै भन्दा पहिले नै परिचित छन् क्यान्सर कारण जो को रूप मा यसको भिन्न। तर यी रोगहरु पछि चरणमा मा आफ्नो लक्षण जो छोडेर मानिसहरू प्रारम्भिक चरणमा मा साइड इफेक्ट बेवास्ता। 30-40 वर्ष पछि हुन सक्छ देखाउन
प्रत्येक चुरोट हामी धूम्रपान, 7 मिनेट द्वारा हाम्रो जीवन कम! वरिपरि 5 लाख मान्छे हरेक साल मर्न र भारत लाख वरिपरि 1 मान्छे यस लत कारण मर्छन्। ती को, उमेर आसपास काम मान्छे 35 - 63 वर्ष उच्च हो। यो मूल्य 200 मिलियन डलर मानिस शक्ति को 60 लाख वर्ष को एक हानि निम्त्याएको छ।