EzFileHost’s flourishing is engaged around the hypothesis of joining astounding thing quality at aggressive worth centers with a choice framework, together with an exceedingly capable building and specific help bunch. EzFileHost’s creating structure at present compasses six datacenters in The Netherlands, Germany and the United States, joining with genuine telecom bearers. The framework peers with Internet exchanges London, St Louis, Brussels, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dallas, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt.
Actually, EzFileHost clients have entry to one of the biggest, cutting edge organizes on the planet. Joining 57 purposes of vicinity and 36 Internet Exchanges over the globe, our system conveys enormous transfer speed limit, bursting pace and unparalleled network for your workloads.
We utilize a couple of topographically isolated center switches that are interconnected to our overall server farms and, along these lines, to the Internet. The outcome is a center uptime of 99.9999% and a data transmission limit of 5.0 Tbps. So you can make certain your main goal discriminating applications will continue running, even in the occasion of a sudden surge sought after.
Be that as it may, we don’t stop there. We likewise utilize a blend of worldwide travel suppliers and private peering game plans to develop worldwide reach and best-in-class network. EzFileHost has the capacity convey completely accessible strong associations with the Internet, while giving to a great degree forceful valuing to our customers.