DEAR FRIENDS- It is time for each of us as individuals- and humanity as a whole- to face our reality with crystal clear awareness and the greatest love and compassion. We must finally wake up beyond all the misleading religious and spiritual rationalizations of the past for why everyone suffers so deeply and chronically.
If we have any faith and respect for Mother Nature at all surely we can see that the worldwide epidemic of powerful emotional pain- literally billions of people being anxious and depressed- is not a natural circumstance! It is the way we are treated as developing children- how our parents (primarily) and societies misunderstand our essential needs, failed to recognize and serve our Authentic Selves and used us in the service of their own unmet childhood needs that is the real source of people's fear and guilt and shame and heartbreak.
It is definitely NOT in our genes, in "Original Sin" or "the ego" or the impact of so-called "past lives" to chronically be in emotional pain! We have to open our eyes and see the totally unnecessary "generational cycle of abuse" as the real and only cause of people's natural and innate openness and happiness being ruined.
Otherwise the human race will continue to misunderstand its own suffering and wander in the darkness for another ten thousand years. I say the revolution of Unconditional Self-Love and the liberation of childhood is the real solution- and the only awakening that will truly change the world forever! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
P.S. To deepen your understanding of yourself and the way you needed to be loved and supported as a child I recommend you read my essay: "Revolution of Love- Understanding the Needs and Rights of Children". It is available in the Notes section of my Timeline.