I turn over oneself, I strain every nerve.
Be the most national racial ethnic ethnocentric ethnological self.
I glow self, I glue oneself to my metacenter. Be the most glowing gluttonous self.
I hug that girl, I save the world, I rescue one's father, I relieve Tsutomu Mori, from my past.
I acquire the world. Be the most acrid acquired acquisitive self. Self-acquisition! Self-acquirement!
I react oneself, I rework my past, I replay one's pasts, I redo my all every things, I re-act one's total all matters.
I ginger up self, I gird oneself, I gird a person with myself, I gird up one's loins.
I exhume my deepest parts, I excavate my own all one's abyss. Be the most profound deep self. Self-exhumation! Self-excavation!
I bereave all one's Islamic terrorist of total asset, I follow one's bent. Be the most benign fascinating attractive appealing benevolent self to the top of one's bent. Self-benison!
I irrupt into my central self, I versify one's dogma. Be the most versed veracious incentive vertebral vertebrate self. Self-irruption! Self-stimulus! Self-stimulation! Self-incentive!
I turn out my abyss, I dig out own inside, I dig up one's inner internal part, I turn up my innermost treasure. Be the most chiseled angular self.
I get going, I wander about my whole area, I roam around all over the one's world. Be blessed. Be given. Be taught. Be the most go-go go-it-alone self. Self-going! Self-roaming! Self-godsend! Self-wandering!
I smite on my total all terrorisms, I snaffle Islamic State, I smooth over oneself, I snuggle self to my central core, I smother Islamic terrorism with my brute force by own physical strength, I blow one's smudgy smutty snappish soul into smithereens. Be the most snug smug snappy smooth self.