First up, if you're looking for a book filled with beautiful women bou翻訳 - First up, if you're looking for a book filled with beautiful women bou日本語言う方法

First up, if you're looking for a b

First up, if you're looking for a book filled with beautiful women bound with rope, this isn't for you. The cover is one of eight color photos in the book, and it is about as erotic as they come from this particular volume.

If you're looking for a book on bondage ties, this really isn't for you, either. The ties are kind of interesting, but not really foundational, meaning the ties Midori presents are pretty much one trick ponies. Additionally, the instructions for the ties are poorly written and the illustrations are hard to follow, and often contradictory. While the fact she doesn't use "knot tying" terms might be nice for some, the fact she ignores established nomenclature like "bight" and "working end" means she spends a lot of time talking around those terms.

For someone completely new to rope bondage, this book may prove to be a bit frustrating trying to make their ties look like the ones in the illustrations, which is pretty much impossible as the illustrations leave out important steps and occasionally change without explanation. For a much better book on basic ties that can be used for all kinds of things, check out the books by the Two Knotty Boys or the free video tutorials at While their ties may not be as immediately impressive as what Midori presents here, they make it fairly easy to see how to play with the various ties and combine them for a rather pleasing effect.

Now, if you are looking for essays concerning the dynamic of the Dom/Sub aesthetic and setting up bondage scenes for role-play, then this book might serve you well. Nearly the entire book is about setting up the dynamics of Top and Bottom and how they might play out in the use of rope.

In terms of technique, this book is pretty much worthless. As a piece of erotica, this book is pretty much worthless. But if you're looking for something to get you into the mindset of dominance and submission, you might have a winner.
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ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
First up, if you're looking for a book filled with beautiful women bound with rope, this isn't for you. The cover is one of eight color photos in the book, and it is about as erotic as they come from this particular volume.If you're looking for a book on bondage ties, this really isn't for you, either. The ties are kind of interesting, but not really foundational, meaning the ties Midori presents are pretty much one trick ponies. Additionally, the instructions for the ties are poorly written and the illustrations are hard to follow, and often contradictory. While the fact she doesn't use "knot tying" terms might be nice for some, the fact she ignores established nomenclature like "bight" and "working end" means she spends a lot of time talking around those terms.For someone completely new to rope bondage, this book may prove to be a bit frustrating trying to make their ties look like the ones in the illustrations, which is pretty much impossible as the illustrations leave out important steps and occasionally change without explanation. For a much better book on basic ties that can be used for all kinds of things, check out the books by the Two Knotty Boys or the free video tutorials at While their ties may not be as immediately impressive as what Midori presents here, they make it fairly easy to see how to play with the various ties and combine them for a rather pleasing effect.Now, if you are looking for essays concerning the dynamic of the Dom/Sub aesthetic and setting up bondage scenes for role-play, then this book might serve you well. Nearly the entire book is about setting up the dynamics of Top and Bottom and how they might play out in the use of rope.In terms of technique, this book is pretty much worthless. As a piece of erotica, this book is pretty much worthless. But if you're looking for something to get you into the mindset of dominance and submission, you might have a winner.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]


完全に新しい誰かのためにロープボンデージに、この本はその絆はかなり不可能イラストは重要なステップを省略し、時折説明なしに変更としてあるイラストでのもの、のように見えるようにしようとして少しイライラすることになるかもしれません。物事のすべての種類のために使用することができる基本的な結びつきにはるかに良い本のために、二ノッティボーイズやTwistedmonk.comで無料のビデオチュートリアルによって本をチェックしてください。その絆はみどりがここに提示するものと同じくらいすぐに印象的ではないかもしれないが、彼 ​​らは様々なタイで再生する方法を参照し、むしろ喜ばせる効果のためにそれらを結合することがかなり容易になります。


結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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