From the result of stress survey respondents created

From the result of stress survey re

From the result of stress survey respondents created "your stress profile". From this profile can approximate your stress state. Look at the results and help your heart health.
To determine this result only in issues of more stress and heart that accompanies it. Consult experts who are worrying about.
Is shown in the Appendix of your stress profile, your stress level is slightly higher State.
Appears followed by a State of stress and mind and body react against the causes of stress and, feeling depressed as a result, his sense of frustration, tired, not in mood symptoms. Also possible is the cause of stress in elements (in your home or work-related problems) and suddenly you Hobo.
If you found vibrant, irritability, fatigue, anxiety and depression problems, but like many physical complaints.
Factors can cause stress in your job, seems high quality burden of work.
It is recommended to consult about the job, boss, as well as people who think there is lots of work, hard work, review work of their own once again. Can involve the people around him may be to resolve. Less control of work cannot determine the work schedule and procedures in their own time. For example, scheduled around speed and superior fit to work and that such circumstances do not make plans for rapid job changes are common. Review themselves unable to devise a way of work, to reduce the amount of, or consult with others, consider. Aware that it would be unreasonable if, undergoing much stress from work and try to refresh after business hours and holidays. Also, might want to consult the trouble around without having the troubles alone better. Also, consult with the experts is one way. Didn't notice you receive professional advice by their solution might be found.
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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
From the result of stress survey respondents created "your stress profile". From this profile can approximate your stress state. Look at the results and help your heart health.To determine this result only in issues of more stress and heart that accompanies it. Consult experts who are worrying about.Is shown in the Appendix of your stress profile, your stress level is slightly higher State.Appears followed by a State of stress and mind and body react against the causes of stress and, feeling depressed as a result, his sense of frustration, tired, not in mood symptoms. Also possible is the cause of stress in elements (in your home or work-related problems) and suddenly you Hobo.If you found vibrant, irritability, fatigue, anxiety and depression problems, but like many physical complaints.Factors can cause stress in your job, seems high quality burden of work.It is recommended to consult about the job, boss, as well as people who think there is lots of work, hard work, review work of their own once again. Can involve the people around him may be to resolve. Less control of work cannot determine the work schedule and procedures in their own time. For example, scheduled around speed and superior fit to work and that such circumstances do not make plans for rapid job changes are common. Review themselves unable to devise a way of work, to reduce the amount of, or consult with others, consider. Aware that it would be unreasonable if, undergoing much stress from work and try to refresh after business hours and holidays. Also, might want to consult the trouble around without having the troubles alone better. Also, consult with the experts is one way. Didn't notice you receive professional advice by their solution might be found.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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