Hello Nanako,
Off course it’s possible to do a trial at 16.30 hour :)
You know where Westend is?
We are now practicing a lot for the show we give the 10th of juli so i hope your daughter likes it and maybe if it’s to difficult she can also start after the summer vacation.
I’m also pregnant and around the 10th off Juni is the baby coming. So the next weeks i give the lessons together with teacher Larissa and when i give burth she takes over the lessons from me.
After the summer vacation i’m back and give the lessons on my own.
Hope to hear from you.
Op 20 mei 2016, om 20:27 heeft NF het volgende geschreven:
My name is Nanako Fukushima.
I'm interested in your dance lesson at Westwijk.
My daughter is 5 years old and Japanese.
She can't speak Dutch.
But she rearly likes dance.
Can she join in the class?
And Can she do trial lesson?
If it's possible,the class which starts at 16:30 is better for her.
I am looking forward to your reply.