B. Specific License
a. Land Certificate
The ownership of the land is proven by:
1. Certificate of Hak Guna Bangunan (Building Utilization Right) No. 00037
2. Certificate of Hak Guna Bangunan (Building Utilization Right) No. 00062
b. Building Permit (“IMB”)
Decree of Purwakarta Regent No. 503/Kep.667-BPMPTSP/2013 dated 10
October 2013 which valid only for 1 (one) year.
c. Nuisance License (“SIG”)
Nuisance Permit (Izin Gangguan or “Izin HO”) is required pursuant to Staatsblad
Year 1926 Number 226 as lastly amended by Staatsblad Year 1940 Number 450.