Michelle Takahashi
I always put this word in my mind. Simply, because I treasure GOD and my parents. The life I had is not easy and like other that has a family always with them. The Hardest thing I can remember is how to STAND WITHOUT ANYBODY IN yoUR FAMILY BY yoUR SIDE. But I've learned to ACCEPT and UNDERSTAND that GOD has a mission for me. I tried my best to UNDERSTAND THIS IS MY WAY OF LIFE and instead to feel lonely, I should give EXAMPLE for some PEOPLE who doesn't know and understand why we are in this kind of struggle in life. LIFE IS A GIFT TO GIVE THANKS!!!!!... "NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS FOR YOU!!!"... MAKE it THE BEST JOURNEY THAT GOD WANTS YOU TO BE!!... WALK WITH HIS FAITH aND yoU WILL ALWAYS SEE HOW HE PLANS A GOOD LIFE FOR EACH ONE OF US!!!.........BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ALWAYS GOOD EVERYWHERE YOU GO