Unless YSID provides SUNWA with an exemption certificate, exempting th翻訳 - Unless YSID provides SUNWA with an exemption certificate, exempting th日本語言う方法

Unless YSID provides SUNWA with an

Unless YSID provides SUNWA with an exemption certificate, exempting the YSID from withholding tax, all payment pursuant to Article 4.1 shall be subject to a deduction of withholding tax article 4(2) from storage charge and withholding tax article 23 from handling and other services withholding tax in accordance to:
-warehouse usage fee (indoor and ourdoor) is provided by YSID which is the custodian services.
-administration charge
-documentation charge
-monthly customs report
-warehouse management system
-overtime charge
where should be paid to the state treasury. SUNWA shall provide to YSID all the tax receipts received from tax office.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
Unless YSID provides SUNWA with an exemption certificate, exempting the YSID from withholding tax, all payment pursuant to Article 4.1 shall be subject to a deduction of withholding tax article 4(2) from storage charge and withholding tax article 23 from handling and other services withholding tax in accordance to:-warehouse usage fee (indoor and ourdoor) is provided by YSID which is the custodian services.-administration charge-documentation charge-monthly customs report -warehouse management system-overtime chargewhere should be paid to the state treasury. SUNWA shall provide to YSID all the tax receipts received from tax office.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
ysid寸和免除証明書を提供しない限り、源泉徴収税から免除するysid、すべての支払いへの4 . 1の第4条により源泉徴収税の控除を受けなければならない(2)からの蓄積電荷と源泉徴収税第23からの取扱いと他のサービスの源泉徴収税に対応する:倉庫の利用料金(屋内および屋外)ysid管理サービスが提供されます。・・・行政担当・ドキュメンテーション担当回報告を・・・毎月の税関倉庫管理システム・超過料金がなければ1州財務省に支払われる。寸和税事務所から受け取ったすべての税収入ysidに提供しなければならない。
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