If you want the iProcess Engine to use Windows-authenticated accounts to access
the SQL Server instance, Setup cannot create the iProcess Engine database and
logins for you. You must manually do this before you run Setup. Perform the
following steps:
1. Follow steps 1 to 9 of the procedure described in the section “Create the SQL
Server Database and Logins“ in the Installation guide (at the appropriate point
in your pre-installation procedures).
2. Create the IPE DB Owner and IPE DB User SQL Server login IDs. To do this
(for each login):
a. Expand Security, right-click Logins, then click New Login.
b. In the Name field, enter (or use the Browse button to select) the
appropriate Windows user for the login. You can use any name you want
to, but the suggested ones are swpro for the IPE DB Owner and swuser for
the IPE DB User.
Note that:
• If there is any conflict between the following modifications and the
information in the Installation guide, the information here takes precedence.
• Any information, steps or procedures that are not explicitly mentioned here
remain as described in the Installation guide.
• If you are still unsure about how to proceed with the installation, please
contact TIBCO Support for further assistance.
The name must be a domain or machine qualified account name in the form
"DOMAINusername". For example, “EMEAswpro”.
If you want the iProcess Engine to use Windows-authenticated accounts to access
the SQL Server instance, Setup cannot create the iProcess Engine database and
logins for you. You must manually do this before you run Setup. Perform the
following steps:
1. Follow steps 1 to 9 of the procedure described in the section “Create the SQL
Server Database and Logins“ in the Installation guide (at the appropriate point
in your pre-installation procedures).
2. Create the IPE DB Owner and IPE DB User SQL Server login IDs. To do this
(for each login):
a. Expand Security, right-click Logins, then click New Login.
b. In the Name field, enter (or use the Browse button to select) the
appropriate Windows user for the login. You can use any name you want
to, but the suggested ones are swpro for the IPE DB Owner and swuser for
the IPE DB User.
Note that:
• If there is any conflict between the following modifications and the
information in the Installation guide, the information here takes precedence.
• Any information, steps or procedures that are not explicitly mentioned here
remain as described in the Installation guide.
• If you are still unsure about how to proceed with the installation, please
contact TIBCO Support for further assistance.
The name must be a domain or machine qualified account name in the form
"DOMAINusername". For example, “EMEAswpro”.