Please note that the comment below you have is not correct. We are not翻訳 - Please note that the comment below you have is not correct. We are notアイルランド語言う方法

Please note that the comment below

Please note that the comment below you have is not correct. We are not confirming anything with customer.
In fact , HCO is confirming whether they can maintain 40 micron flatness which was included in old quotation.
We need confirmation soon whether that quotation is still valid. We have already received p/o from customer and
We need to know whether that quotation is still valid. Otherwise ask for revised quotation. Can you please ask
HCO to expedite the quote soon? We need to advise customer accordingly.
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結果 (アイルランド語) 1: [コピー]
tabhair faoi deara nach bhfuil an trácht thíos go bhfuil tú ceart. nach bhfuil muid ag deimhniú rud ar bith le custaiméirí.
i ndáiríre, tá HCO dearbhú cé acu is féidir leo a choimeád ar bun 40 Maoile micron a cuireadh san áireamh sa luachan d'aois.
ní mór dúinn deimhniú go luath cibé an bhfuil an luachan fós bailí. faighte againn cheana p / o ó chustaiméirí agus
gá dúinn a fhios cibé an bhfuil an luachan fós bailí.a iarraidh ar shlí eile le haghaidh luachan athbhreithnithe. Is féidir leat le do thoil a iarraidh
HCO a bhrostú ar an ceanglófar go luath? ní mór dúinn comhairle a chur ar chustaiméirí dá réir.
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