According to a number of recent international evaluations of Danish pupils' reading skills, it appears,that the development of reading comprehension skills is problematic for a large group of Danish pupils in primary school intermediate stages (Mejding, J.; Rønberg, L., 2007). The article describes and presents results from a recently completed case study addressed this issue. The reading comprehension index of the project1consists of the following subcomponents: word knowledge, concepts, narrative elements, contexts (inferences) and genre knowledge. These elements are made operational in the case study and the participating children2reading comprehension skills have been tested at the beginning and end of the project. The test results showa significant increase in reading comprehension skills in all of the aforementioned subcomponents ofreading comprehension index. Based on these results, how is it analyzed, discussed and reflected on?it can be argued in relation to the primary school's goals and the acquisition of reading comprehension strategies that: children's reading comprehension skills can be promoted through animation pedagogy.