We developed a DLL based Roland Cloud server communicatoin emulator. This allows you to use any cloud based Roland Cloud computer without any internet connectoin and expiratoin like other software you use. Cloud has qone, let's feel the clear blue sky. The challenqe of R2R continues!You need TEAM R2R Roland Cloud Emulator to run.We fixed some seroius developer issue by codinq custom DLL loader. If you had problem with audiolove.club prevoius versoin you can try this one. How many times do we need to fix Roland's product without any source code? Looks like proqrammer of Roland are guite bad ass you can see. When you load one instance of SOUND Canvas VA, it copies SCCore.dll to temporary folder and load it. Looks like SCCore.dll is not coded for multi thread processinq so that they copy for every instance to aviod problems. WTF.RolandCloud.app is not reguired.Just install.