I remember that we had went into a restaurant and a sweet old lady that
was the waitress asked her if she had an accident. Lise just smiled and
said. " No I have just been fucking a bunch of horses." The old lady
laughed as if she thought that Lise was making a funny. Lise looked at me
and smiled her secret little smile. Her smile was the only thing about
Lisa that was little. her cunt was so large that, one day when i came in
from the cold with freezing hand, having forgotten my gloves, lisa had me
put both my hands up to the elbows in her cunt at the same time. They
warmed up quickly. That was all several years ago. I still take Lise, at
vacation time, to see Sal and Tiny and naturally the Genera;. Then we
visit red cloud and the horses. One year the horse that she went ridding
with died after her last ride with him. The horse was twenty five years
old then. lisa craddled the huge head in her lap all night long. The next
morning we found a sleeping Lise and a dead horse. Red clould said tht the
horse was smiling. I think that horse was the closest Lise came to being
in love with another male.