Lifetime: The number of unique people who created a story about your Page post by interacting with it. (Unique Users)
Lifetime: The number of stories created about your Page post, by action type. (Total Count)
Lifetime: The number of people who clicked anywhere in your post, by type. (Unique Users)
Lifetime: The number of clicks anywhere in your post, by type. (Total Count)
Lifetime: The number of people who have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Unique Users)
Lifetime: The number of times people have given negative feedback to your post, by type. (Total Count)
Lifetime: Average time video viewed broken down by ad id (Total Count)
Lifetime: The number of times your paid video was viewed to 95% of its length borken down by ad id. (Total Count)
Lifetime: The number of times your paid video was viewed to 95% of its length borken down by ad id. (Unique Users)
Lifetime: Views of your video at each moment as a percentage of all views, including views shorter than 3 seconds. (video post) (Total Count)
Lifetime: Paid views by ad id (video post) (Total Count)
Lifetime: Paid views by ad id (video post) (Unique Users)