ExtracurricularMarch 17, 2014 ExtracurricularWith BIPA, not only will 翻訳 - ExtracurricularMarch 17, 2014 ExtracurricularWith BIPA, not only will 日本語言う方法

ExtracurricularMarch 17, 2014 Extra

March 17, 2014 Extracurricular
With BIPA, not only will you learn Bahasa Indonesia, but you will also be involved in very stimulating extracurricular activities such as traditional music and dance, and batik painting.
These activities are held in the afternoon. In the traditional music class, you will learn both traditional songs in local dialects as well as popular songs in Bahasa Indonesia.
In the dance class, you will learn traditional dances from one region in Indonesia.
The activity in which participants show the most interest is batik painting, in which participants not only learn the principles of making this traditional fabric but also experience making batik from the start to finish through hands-on activities.
We can guarantee that whatever extracurricular activity you choose, it will be a very rewarding one. If one activity is not enough for you, you can take as many extracurricular activities as you wish to fulfill your interest in Indonesian culture. At the end of the semester, you will demonstrate your ability at BIPA’s graduation ceremony, in which everyone can be a witness to your success.
In order to make you familiar with daily life in Indonesian society, we also arrange exciting one-day visits to local areas. You will also have the opportunity to meet other foreign students in other exciting trips organized by UI International Office.

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結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
ExtracurricularMarch 17, 2014 ExtracurricularWith BIPA, not only will you learn Bahasa Indonesia, but you will also be involved in very stimulating extracurricular activities such as traditional music and dance, and batik painting.These activities are held in the afternoon. In the traditional music class, you will learn both traditional songs in local dialects as well as popular songs in Bahasa Indonesia.In the dance class, you will learn traditional dances from one region in Indonesia.The activity in which participants show the most interest is batik painting, in which participants not only learn the principles of making this traditional fabric but also experience making batik from the start to finish through hands-on activities.We can guarantee that whatever extracurricular activity you choose, it will be a very rewarding one. If one activity is not enough for you, you can take as many extracurricular activities as you wish to fulfill your interest in Indonesian culture. At the end of the semester, you will demonstrate your ability at BIPA’s graduation ceremony, in which everyone can be a witness to your success.In order to make you familiar with daily life in Indonesian society, we also arrange exciting one-day visits to local areas. You will also have the opportunity to meet other foreign students in other exciting trips organized by UI International Office.
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]

結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
3月17日課外課外で、bipa 2014年、インドネシア語だけでなく、あなたは学ぶでしょう、しかし、あなたは伝統的な音楽とダンスのような課外活動は非常に刺激に関与していること、バティックペインティングします。これらの活動は、午後に保持されている。伝統的な音楽の授業では、あなただけでなく、インドネシア語で人気のある曲の地方の方言では、両方の伝統的な歌を学びます。ダンスのクラスで、あなたはインドネシアで1つの領域からの伝統的なダンスを学びます。参加者が最も関心を示し、バティック絵画活動参加者が学ぶだけでなく、この伝統的な織物製造の原理が、スタートからフィニッシュまでの実際の活動を通して、バティックの製造経験をします。我々は、あなたが選ぶどんな課外活動を保証することができ、それは非常にやりがいの1つです。1つの活動は、あなたのために十分でないならば、あなたがあなたがインドネシアの文化の中であなたの関心を満たすために望むのと同じくらい多くの課外活動をすることができます。学期の終わりで、あなたはbipaの卒業式であなたの能力を示します、誰でもあなたの成功への目撃者である。あなたがインドネシア社会における日常生活で身近にするために、我々は、刺激的な一日の訪問地域にアレンジ。あなたは、羽衣国際事務所主催の他の刺激的な旅行において他の外国人学生に会う機会があります。
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