It is impossible to attain enlightenment (Samadhi, Siddha) if one is bound to one's karma. Some of saints died without being able to attain enlightenment (Samadhi, Siddha) because one must be empty and nothing, the state of 'ego' should not exist while one is in training. Assuming that it is impossible to attain enlightenment (Samadhi, Siddha) as long as there is ego consciousness, it will be impossible to remove the ego consciousness by oneself. That is the most difficult ultimate stage. Before Buddhism, in Himalayan esotericism, a master teach his disciples not only by scriptures but also by oral instruction, and it had not spreaded in the world because only kings and aristocrats could be given. Himalayan Siddha (Samadhi) masters are the true form of human beings. One true self is shining like diamonds and is originally talented, and is fulled of power, but we have been clouding the mind with selfish desires, self-defense, and negative or evil thoughts, and we have accumulated bad karma since previous lives, so we can no longer connect to the soul (inner self, Atman) that thickly covered with the negative or evil thoughts which is bad energy.