Fruit pulp contains carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins, essential oil, alcohols, ester, terpene, marmesin, scopoletin, tannins. It also contains alkaloids, O-methylhalfordinol and isopentylethalfordinol and an essential oil containing phellandrene and alloimperation and ß-sitoterol. Fruit contains psoralen, tamic acid, agelinol, furanocoumarin, marmelide. Ripe fruit contains xanthotoxol, scoparone, scopoletin, umbelliferone, marmesin, skimmin and ß-sitosterol glucoside. Marmin, γ-sitosterol and aegeline, identified as N-ß-hydroxy-p-methoxy phenylecinnamide have been isolated from leaves. Leaves also contain alkaloids, marmelosins and agelenine, marmesin, rutin, polyphenolic compounds, sitosterols and essential oil containing of α & ß-phellandrene.
Root contains xanthotoxin, 6,7-di-Ome-coumarin, scopoletin, tembamide, umbelliferone, marmesin, marmin, skimmianine, glycoside skimming. A phenolic alkaloid characterized as 1-phenyl-7-hydroxy tetrahydroquinazolin-4-one has been obtained from roots. Bark contains ß-sitoterol, umbelliferone, lupeol, coumarin and alkaloids, aegeline (=fagarine), skimmianine, marmesin, aurapten, marmin, and umbelliferone. Roots contain scoparone, scopoletin, marmesin (Ghani, 1998; Rastogi & Mehrotra, 1990).