The Royal Conservatoire Antwerp organises elementary courses of Dutch that are provided by Linguapolis, Language and Communication Institute, and focus on elementary skills to cope with simple, everyday situations. In compliance with the objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages, the courses’ final level roughly agrees with (A1) Breakthrough.
During the training, all four language skills will be trained: reading, listening, writing and talking. Special attention is paid to the vocabulary that is specific for higher education.
The approach will be communicative, interactive and task-focused. The tutors will work at an elevated pace: students will deal with a lot of material in a short time. Before and after the lesson, students have to keep up through home study and distance learning of at least one extra hour for every hour of lesson.
The courses are intended for students who have no or hardly any knowledge of Dutch.
Passing the exam at the end of the course is required for students who want to start the Bachelor’s programme “Theory of music – harmony and counterpoint. Alternatively, these students can provide a certificate stating that their language skills are at a level CEFR A1 or higher. For more information please contact the student counsellor, Floris Lammens.
There will be 2 intensive parallel courses of 45 hours.
Please note:
- Dance students are advised to participate in the first group as they start earlier with the curricular activities.
- The number of participants is limited to max. 22 students per group.
Course 1
Tuesday August 25 – Monday September 7 2015
Tuesdag 25/08/2015 09u30 - 16u30
Wednesday 26/08/2015 09u30 - 12u30
Thursday 27/08/2015 09u30 - 16u30
Friday 28/08/2015 09u30 - 12u30
Monday 31/08/2015 09u30- 16u30
Tuesdag 1/09/2015 09u30- 16u30
Wednesday 2/09/2015 09u30- 12u30
Thursday 3/09/2015 09u30- 16u30
Friday 4/09/2015 09u30- 12u30
Monday 7/09/2015 Examination day
Course 2:
Tuesday September 8 – Monday September 21 2015
Tuesday 8/09/2015 09u30 - 16u30
Wednesday 9/09/2015 09u30 - 12u30
Thursday 10/09/2015 09u30 - 16u30
Friday 11/09/2015 09u30 - 12u30
Monday 14/09/2015 09u30- 16u30
Tuesday 15/09/2015 09u30- 16u30
Wednesday 16/09/2015 09u30- 12u30
Thursday 17/09/2015 09u30- 16u30
Friday 18/09/2015 09u30- 12u30
Monday 21/09/2015 Examination day
Please note: Students that are not able to attend the above course and exam dates, but want or need to pass the language exam, can also do this on an alternitative moment. Those students will be invited to a preparatory session. If you are considering this option, please contact Floris Lammens.
The courses are given at the:
Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp
Desguinlei 25
2018 Antwerpen
The courses are given at the:
Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Mutsaardstraat 31
2000 Antwerpen
A detailed schedule will be provided after registration.
Students should register online here.
The price of the course is 240 Euros.
Students who have passed their entrance exams successfully in May/June, should register and pay no later than August 10. The registration fee of 240 EURO should be paid by bank transfer to:
IBAN BE24 0016 1571 3438
payable to Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen
Desguinlei 25
indicating ‘Dutch language course & name of the student'
Students who have registered for the entrance exams in August/September:
- have to register online no later than 2 September;
- have to confirm their registration in the secretariat to Yannicke Belis by paying the fee cash as soon as the results of the entrance exams have been communicated and no later than 9 September.