Good morning to you. Thank you for you email earlier.  As the page-mak翻訳 - Good morning to you. Thank you for you email earlier.  As the page-mak日本語言う方法

Good morning to you. Thank you for

Good morning to you.

Thank you for you email earlier.

As the page-making involved a pool of members of 25, there are times in which matters are overlooked. So far we are happy working with Ms.Vina and her speedy response; however, as most of the pages created by members are not from Photoshop, there were discrepancies between what Ms.Vina has made. Further editing process is unavoidable but we also wish to minimise unnecessary prolonged editing process; and same has been channeled to our members too.

At the end of the day, our intention is to have zero miss in the proofread copies, we are seeking your understanding and co-operation on this. Base on our original schedule of receiving the sample copies from you, it was dated latest by 12th December, thus, please help to work on the datelines again for the various albums. Would it be possible if we are looking at sometime on 28th November for the last album.

In addition, for those finalised copies, please send us in print-outs in order for us to verify with initials, and return to you later to prevent future discrepancies.

Thank you.


Kawamura Mei

(JJS Album Section
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (日本語) 1: [コピー]
おはようございます。 以前メールしていただきありがとうございます。 ページ作成関与 25 のメンバーのプール、事項が見過ごされている時があります。我々 は、幸せな Ms.Vina と彼女の迅速な応答です。ただし、ほとんどのメンバーによって作成されたページとしてはない Photoshop から、不一致の間があったしました Ms.Vina です。さらに編集プロセスは避けられないが不要な長時間編集プロセス; を最小限にしたいです。同じ力を注いできました私たちのメンバーにも。 一日の終わりに我々 の意図はゼロ ミスの校正のコピーで、我々 はあなたの理解とこれに協力を求めています。サンプルを受信の私たちのオリジナルのスケジュールに基づくコピーするから、それ日付を記入した最新 12 12 月によってこうして、様々 なアルバムのために再び現れるに動作するように助けてください。我々 は見ていつか最後のアルバムを 11 月 28 日に可能でしょうです。 さらに、それらの最終決定のコピーをお送りください将来の不一致を防ぐために後で、イニシャルを確認をするに戻る私たちのためにプリント アウト。 ありがとう。 よろしく、川村美(JJS アルバム セクション
結果 (日本語) 2:[コピー]
Good morning to you.

Thank you for you email earlier.

As the page-making involved a pool of members of 25, there are times in which matters are overlooked. So far we are happy working with Ms.Vina and her speedy response; however, as most of the pages created by members are not from Photoshop, there were discrepancies between what Ms.Vina has made. Further editing process is unavoidable but we also wish to minimise unnecessary prolonged editing process; and same has been channeled to our members too.

At the end of the day, our intention is to have zero miss in the proofread copies, we are seeking your understanding and co-operation on this. Base on our original schedule of receiving the sample copies from you, it was dated latest by 12th December, thus, please help to work on the datelines again for the various albums. Would it be possible if we are looking at sometime on 28th November for the last album.

In addition, for those finalised copies, please send us in print-outs in order for us to verify with initials, and return to you later to prevent future discrepancies.

Thank you.


Kawamura Mei

(JJS Album Section
結果 (日本語) 3:[コピー]
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